Saturday, December 28, 2019
Analytical Essay Super Size Me - 1351 Words
Welcome to At the Movies on ABC 1 and as usual Iââ¬â¢m your host, _______. Tonight weââ¬â¢ll be reviewing the socially critical 2004 documentary, ââ¬Å"Super Size Meâ⬠directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock. The film documents the 30 day period in which Morgan Spurlock ate three meals a day consisting of nothing but McDonalds whilst following these four rules: he can only eat things on sale, he must super size his meal if asked, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and lastly he must restrict himself to the ââ¬Ëaverageââ¬â¢ amount of exercise, typical of the American population. It also documents the drastic effects this lifestyle has on Spurlockââ¬â¢s physical and psychological, wellbeing, and explores the fast food industryââ¬â¢s corporate influence,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This was achieved through cunning and intelligent choices as to what was filmed and what was cut out. He had also employed a number of other techniques such as camera angles, shot composition, editing and intentional use of music to accompany the visuals. Through these techniques Spurlock has effectively positioned the audience to accept his views on Americaââ¬â¢s aforementioned obesity epidemic. Spurlock has positioned the audience to accept a somewhat version of the truth as not all sides of the story are given a voice. The way in which Spurlock presents himself to the audience has also deliberately been altered to position the audience to coincide with the attitudes heââ¬â¢s presenting throughout the documentary. Spurlock intentionally wore relaxed clothing and spoke directly to the audience in order to position the audience to feel comfortable accepting Spurlockââ¬â¢s attitudes towards Americaââ¬â¢s obesity crisis. (INCLUDE FOOTAGE HERE) To further position and help the audience connect with Spulock, he has introduced them to his fiancà © whoââ¬â¢s a vegan chef which will be in juxtaposition to the unhealthy food served by most fast food restaurants. These inclusions have positioned the audience to feel close and trusting of Spurlock so that his opinions could be accepted. The use of irony during this documentary has been used because if the audience finds something humorous and therefore having a positive reaction, they are more likely to accept what is being represented.Show MoreRelatedcafes monte bianco case analysis4234 Words à |à 17 Pagesappropriate analytical, financial and quantitative analyses to arrive at your conclusions. At times, it may be appropriate to visually present these quantitative analyses to the class. Preparation of the case with your group is highly recommended. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Epic of Beowulf Order Overpowers Chaos - 986 Words
Order Overpowers Chaos In the epic poem Beowulf, the warrior hero Beowulf chooses to confront the tyrannical monster Grendel in his own domain, the hijacked mead hall of Heorot. A battle of brute strength ensues, in which Grendel, unable to escape his opponentââ¬â¢s awesome armgrip, rips away from his own arm and flees, dying soon after from bloodloss. Beowulfââ¬â¢s victory, though relatively early in the story, is a pivotal moment that signifies the defeat of discord and the return of civilization. Due to the stark differences in their appearances, lineages, and tactics of warfare, Grendel and Beowulf in battle symbolize the recurring conflict between chaos and order. When it comes to physical form, Grendelââ¬â¢s wild nature is demonstrated byâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦By choosing to ambush his enemies in their moments of vulnerability, Grendel highlights his own lack of ethical standards, as well as his inner cowardice, both shameful traits for a warrior to possess. His tactics of constant war and ignorance with respect to war atonement also feature his savage essence, making him the embodiment of lawlessness. In reference to his opponent, Beowulf states that ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËHe has no idea of the arts of war, of shield or sword-play, although he does possess a wild strength. No weapons, therefore, for either this night: unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares. And may the Divine Lord in His wisdom grant the glory of victory to whichever side He sees fitââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (681-687). His decision to battle Grendel without arms exemplifies both his sense of honor in warfare as well as his courage; on a different note, it is also indicative of his intelligence, as none of the other warriors were aware that Grendelââ¬â¢s hide was impervious to weapons. Additionally, Beowulf accepts that the fate of the brawl will ultimately be chosen by God, demonstrating his moral values. As a result, Grendel represents disorder through his cowardly war strategies and his unethical values; Beowulf, on the other hand, symbolizes organized society due to his courtesy in war as well as his valor. By virtue of their
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Health Essay Research Paper Health free essay sample
Health Essay, Research Paper Health Often we take our wellness, or the absence of unwellness, disease, or hurt for granted until we become ill. It is so that we recognize the worth of being without complaints. It is so that we appreciate experiencing strong, robust and healthy. Bing healthy and, being physically and mentally sound, is associated with one # 8217 ; s satisfaction with life. Developmental wellness psychologists # 8211 ; specializers who study the interaction of age, behaviour, and wellness and geriatricians # 8211 ; specializers in the scientific discipline of aging # 8212 ; are patching together the inside informations of diet, exercising, personality and behaviour that make it practical to hit for 80, or even 120. Peoples nearing in-between age can anticipate a fillip of several old ages of excess populating thanks to go oning medical advancement against malignant neoplastic disease, bosom disease and shot. Specialists in the field of aging, developmental wellness psychologists, and geriatrician, concentrate their country of survey on finding wellness position over the class of maturity, and finding the nature and beginning of age-related diseases. They are besides concerned with depicting the effects of wellness on behaviour and depicting the effects of behaviour on wellness. The ends of these specializers are: bar of diseases, saving of wellness, and improved quality of wellness for those enduring from disablement and disease. What does it intend to be healthy? Health is a province of complete physical , mental, and societal wellbeing and non simply the absence of disease, unwellness or frailty. It is of import to separate between disease and wellness. Disease is the forecast of a peculiar upset with a specific cause and characteristic symptoms. On the other manus, unwellness is the being of disease and, the person # 8217 ; s perceptual experience of and response to the disease. Whether in illness or in wellness age and the patterned advance through life play a big portion in our wellness and our developmental position. The function of age in respect to wellness is listed below: Most immature grownups are in good wellness and experience few restrictions or disablements. About 71 % of grownups older than 65 life in a community study their wellness as excellent, good, or really good. # 8211 ; Health and mobility diminution with age particularly after age 80. Disease is more common among older grownups. Most of the diseases of subsequently life have their beginning old ages earlier. # 8211 ; Income is related to perceptual experience of wellness. # 8211 ; The older the person, the more hard it is to retrieve from emphasis. # 8211 ; As an single age, acute conditions lessening in frequence while chronic conditions addition in frequence. 4/5 of grownups over 65 have at least one chronic status. # 8211 ; Older grownups may hold multiple upsets and centripetal shortages that may interact. Treatments may besides interact. In contrast to younger age groups, the aged are likely to endure from physical wellness jobs that are multiple, chronic, and treatable but non curable. Acute unwellness may be superimposed on these conditions. Although there are factors that affect our wellness and the ripening procedure that are non in our control, In a World Health article, K. Warner Schaie ( 1989 ) , research manager of the Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California, cites three grounds for optimism about future old age: The control of childhood disease, better instruction, and the fittingness revolution. ( p.2 ) The control of childhood disease frequently eliminates jobs that occur subsequently in life as a consequence of these diseases. Alternatively of traveling off, the child assaults suffered by the organic structure from disease, maltreatment and disregard can hold # 8220 ; sleeper # 8221 ; effects. For illustration Chicken syphilis in a kid can take much later in life to the rubing diseases known as herpes zosters. Vaccines and other medical specialty have eliminated many of the childhood disea Ses. Schaie predicts that people who will go old 30 or 40 old ages from now will non hold childhood diseases. Most people who are now old have had them all. Better instruction is besides a ground for drawn-out and fitter lives. Where a grade school instruction was typical for the older coevals, more than half of all Americans now 30 or 40 old ages old have completed at least high school, and surveies show that people with more instruction live longer. They get better occupations, suffer less economical emphasis, and be given to be more engaged with life and more receptive to new thoughts. Finally, the fittingness revolution has changed our wonts with regard to diet and exercising and self-care. An article in Generations, Joyce Carrol Oates ( 1993 ) provinces, # 8221 ; per capita ingestion of baccy has dropped 26 per centum over the past 15 old ages, and the bead is speed uping, assuring a lessening in lung malignant neoplastic disease. # 8221 ; Life-style alterations and improved intervention of high blood pressure have already produced a dramatic national lessening in shots. ( p.13 ) In add-on being cognizant of and accepting ripening is an of import procedure in aging. It is of import to acknowledge that life non merely has a beginning and a center but besides an terminal. It is of import to acknowledge the unrecorded rhythm and all that goes with it. The big life rhythm is divided into three chief parts: Young grownups, middle-aged, and older grownups. There are features of each division of maturity. First, we will look at immature grownups. They are in by and large good wellness. Respiratory nutriments are their primary wellness jobs ( cold, concern, and fatigue ) . Allergies are their most common chronic unwellness. Fatal diseases are rare. The prima causes of deceases are for males, accidents and for females malignant neoplastic disease. Aids is besides a menace for this age group. The following country of concern is the middle-aged grownups. There is a drastic alteration in wellness position from immature grownup to middle maturity. Daily unwellnesss Begin to happen such as: respiratory complaints, and musculoskeletal complaints. Chronic conditions begin emerging that bounds day-to-day activities such as arthritis, high blood pressure, chronic sinusitis, bosom conditions, and hearing damages. Fatal diseases besides begin to look for illustration: bosom disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arterial sclerosis, emphysema, and malignant neoplastic disease. The prima causes of decease among the middle-age are bosom disease and malignant neoplastic disease. Again there is a drastic alteration in wellness position from middle-age to older grownups. Musculoskeletal jobs are more common and more terrible. Acute jobs become more terrible. Chronic conditions are dominant and more terrible. Death rates rise quickly among the aged. The taking cause of decease is bosom disease, shot, and malignant neoplastic disease. In drumhead, people # 8217 ; s rating of their physical wellness diminution with age. Daily symptoms alteration with age. Acute conditions lessening with age. Chronic conditions addition with age. Nonfatal and life threatening diseases increase steadily with age. Of equal concern is the consequence of gender and race on wellness and ripening. However, unequal attending has been given to the scope of fluctuations in societal, cultural, and wellness features within and between minorities and adult females. The clip has come for more deliberate, purposeful, and thoughtful accounts of the effects of race and gender on wellness. Understanding grownup development requires an apprehension of the relationship between wellness, disease, disablement and aging. Understanding and non being afraid of the aging procedure may decelerate the procedure. Mention Oates, Joyce Carrol. ( 1993, Spring/Summer ) . The ageless ego. Coevalss, ( Vol. 17 Issue 2, p13 ) . Schaie, Warner K. ( 1989, Nov ) . Looking in front. World Health, pp.2-4. Health, Disease, and Disability
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Economic Performance Analysis - Free Samples -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Economic Performance Analysis. Answer: Singapore is considered as one of the high-income economy. Average income in Singapore is at per or even greater than that in most developed nation. The economic environment in Singapore is suitable for carrying business operation. There is always a competitive environment in the nation and this shows the countrys reliance on free market strategy. Singapore is an open economy with highly depended on export earnings. Since independence, the country developed at a fast pace and made successful transformation from a comparatively low-income nation to a high-income one. The process of industrialization in Singapore accelerated in 1960s and brought rapid growth for the economy. In this phase, manufacturing sector plays an important role in the growth process. Singapore had achieved the goal of full employment in 1970s and joined the growth path of south East Asian tigers (Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea). Secondary and tertiary se4ctor in Singapore are considered as two main pillars of the economy. In general, the country encourages various businesses with particular focus on highly value added services. Present paper presents an overall economic analysis of Singapore for past few years. Major economic indicators such as output, labor market status and price level are given particular focus. In addition to trend analysis for these indicators, evaluation is made on major initiatives taken by the government to improve economic performance. Output performance analysis Gross Domestic Product of a nation captures monetary values of goods and services produced within the nation in the accounting year. GDP can be computed in either current market value or taking market values of a particular base year. GDP computed using base year prices is called GDP at constant price or real GDP. Real GDP is a measure of GDP that is free from inflationary or deflationary consequences in an economy. Thus, real GDP is a more accurate measure of nation output. Growth rate of GDP is the percentage change in GDP. Growth in real GDP gives a measure of real economic growth of the nation. On dividing GDP by total population, per capita real GDP is obtained (Laubach Williams, 2016). This is a measure of nations average income. In order to analyze output performance, growth trend in real GDP and per capita real GDP is considered. Year Real GDP Growth Rate Real GDP Per Capita (US dollar) 2005 7.5 40020.26 2006 8.9 42223.89 2007 9.1 44191.24 2008 1.8 42650.10 2009 -0.6 41133.30 2010 15.2 46569.68 2011 6.2 48439.94 2012 3.9 49000.71 2013 5 50467.84 2014 3.6 51440.82 Table 1: Real GDP growth rate and per capital real GDP in Singapore (Source: Figure 1: Real GDP growth trend in Singapore (Source: Figure 2: Per capita real GDP in Singapore (Source: From the above table it is clearly seen that Singapore has maintained a stable growth rate in its real GDP. The average annual growth rate from 2004-2015 is 6-7%. Exception has been observed only in 2009 when growth rate fell down to 0.6% (Balassa, 2014). The likely cause behind the fall in growth rate is external shock resulted from financial crisis globally. This shows responsiveness of the economy to shocks in external economic environment. However, Singapore did not take much time to make a recovery from crisis. With rapid growth in service and manufacturing sector and increasing openness of the country quick growth recovery is made possible. An outstanding growth performance is observed in 2011 with a notable growth rate of 15.2%. After that, growth trend continues with an average rate of 4-5%. With a steady growth rate and almost stable population, per capita income should be increased. There is no exception of this trend in Singapore as well with a rising trend in per capita i ncome. Per capita income increases from $40020.26 in 2005 to $51440.82 in 2015 (Chew, 2013). In order to increase national output government in Singapore uses the tool of expansionary fiscal policy. Expansionary fiscal policy can be implemented with raising direct government expenditure and reducing tax rates. Singapore government uses both these strategies. In times of global recession, government came forward to revive growth rate. In this time, government launched a resilience program aiming at increasing investment in infrastructure projects (Ali et al., 2014). Apart from focusing on improving infrastructure, increased demand for goods and services in the economy can also raise nation output. The direct channel of increasing demand is to increase the disposable income available in peoples hand. For this, government reduces both income and corporate tax rate. Government also increases transfer payment to boost aggregate demand in the economy. Increase in consumption, government expenditure or invest only partially offsets recession effects resulted from smaller multiplier effect because of low marginal propensity to consume. In Singapore, production driven growth has been given priority. To improve production capacity, fiscal policy is used to affect the supply side of the economy. In this regard, government increases its investment in the fields of training and education to increase human capital investment in the economy. Centres of technical education, polytechnic institutions, and training centres have rapidly increased in Singapore. In order to increase research and development scope in the economy government has recently set up Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) and Biomedical Research Council (BMRC) (, 2017). Labour market analysis In order to analyze status of labour market yearly unemployment trend is considered. Year Unemployment Rate 2005 3.1 2006 3.1 2007 2.1 2008 2.2 2009 3 2010 2.1 2011 2 2012 1.9 2013 1.9 2014 1.95 Table 2: Yearly unemployment data in Singapore (Source: Figure 3: yearly unemployment trend in Singapore (Source: In Singapore, performance of labour market is quite satisfactory. Unemployment rate is steadily declined in past ten years. In 2005, the unemployment rate was 3.1%. In connection of government policy, ensure a full employment condition in the economy unemployment rate reached to a 1.95%. In 2009 only, unemployment rate increased from that it is in 2008. This is the consequence of global crisis occurred in 2008 (Battaglini Coate, 2016). This caused cyclical unemployment in Singapore. With a recovery in the growth rate, labour market condition also improved and unemployment rate backed to its declining trend. Unemployment is a condition where some labour in labour force fail finds suitable jobs at existing wage in the economy. There are different reason behind unemployment depending on the structure and composition of the economy. There are several types of unemployment that an economy experiences. Unemployment due to the change in production structure or technology of production in an industry is termed as structural unemployment. People depending on seasonal occupation suffer from seasonal unemployment. During recession, there is a depressed demand in overall economy. This effects performance of labour market and aggravates unemployment problem. This type of unemployment resulted from cyclical fluctuation is called cyclical unemployment (Abdullah Chan, 2016). Other forms of unemployment are disguised unemployment, frictional unemployment, and technical unemployment. Despite having low unemployment rate, Singapore experiences different types of unemployment. In 2008, worldwide recession affected Singapore economy. Overall demand in the economy decreased in this time. As a result, of contraction of the economy demand for labour also decreased and resulted in cyclical unemployment. In order to achieve fast growth rate Singapore continuously makes structural changes in different industries. For this reason, the economy often suffers from structural unemployment. For example, countrys recent move towards Research and Development and biomedical industry low skilled workers are unable to sustain in the industry and become unemployed (Tan, 2016). Other type of unemployment seen in Singapore is frictional unemployment. With a changing composition of the economy, people in Singapore consider switching their jobs. This gives rise to the problems of frictional unemployment. In view of unemployment resulted from lack of skill government in Singapore focuses on training and education program. Heavy investment is made in these fields. The initiatives of government show success in making 23% of labour force degree holder in 2010. This will help the citizens to remain competitive. In order to achieve the goal of full employment government launches different program like PMET program and P-max program (Tremewan, 2016). Apart from solving labour market problem this will also increase national productivity. Employers are given incentives to hire more workers in the economy. Price level analysis Gradual rise in general price level is termed as inflation. Price in the economy pushes up either by the forces of demand or by increase in cost of production. Demand-pull inflation in the economy exists when price increases because of a sudden hike in demand. When production cost increases then supplier increases price of their products (Gal, 2015). The supply side inflation is termed as cost-push inflation. A moderate to low inflation is preferable for the growth of the economy. Galloping inflation is inflation accounts double digit. When galloping inflation persists in the economy without any counteracting measure then inflation rate turns to be very high and is known as hyperinflation. Trend in price level is analyzed by observing yearly inflation trend in Singapore. Year Inflation Rate 2005 0.4 2006 1 2007 2.1 2008 6.5 2009 0.6 2010 2.8 2011 5.2 2012 4.6 2013 2.4 2014 1.01 Table 3: Yearly inflation rate in Singapore (Source: Figure 4: Inflation trend in Singapore (Source: From the above table it is seen that price level in Singapore remained more or less stable. In 2005, inflation rate was 0.4%. After 10 years, inflation rate increased only slightly with rate being only 1.01% (Tan, 2016). There is a moderate to low level of inflation in the economy. In 2008, inflation rate increased at a very rapid rate. Recorded inflation rate in 2008 was 6.5% as compared to 2.1 % in the previous year. The rise in price trend is due to increase in good and service tax rate introduced by Singapore government. Other than this year, inflation rate remains manageable. In Singapore, external factors are responsible for existence of demand-pull inflation in the economy. In the GDP composition of Singapore export constitute a major part. Rise of national income of its trading partner increase demand for its export and hence increase aggregate demand in the economy (Wirtz Chung, 2015). An increase in other components of aggregate demand such as investment and consumption expenditure also contributes to a rise in aggregate demand. Cost of production in Singapore raises mainly because of a rise in the price of imported raw material. Because of lack of resource many industries in Singapore depends on imported resources and hence a rise in price of imported good raises overall prices in the economy (Siddiqui, 2016). Monetary authority in Singapore relies on exchange rate policy to achieve stability in price. Singapore is a nation having trade relation with multiple nations. This helps the nation to maintain exchange rate of domestic currency against weighted average of currencies of its trading partners within a stable policy brand. The exchange rate policy in Singapore is used as a proxy measure of monetary policy to control inflation. In the presence of a strong external economies prices goes up without intervention of central bank (Chow, Lim McNelis, 2014). Thus, central bank intervenes by the policy of appreciation of Singapore dollar. The assignment analyses economic performance of Singapore from 2005 to 2014. In all, performance of different economic indicators is good. Economy grows steadily having an overall moderate rate of growth. Only disturbing year in the growth phase is 2008. Economic disturbance in this year is due to external shocks resulted from worldwide recession in that year. Labour market performance is well in the economy. The country is successful in maintaining a considerably low unemployment rate and almost achieves full employment target. Price level stability is another important policy goal of Singapore government. Stability in the price level is a feature of Singapore economy. However, unemployment and inflation rate are also affected by global crisis in 2008. This shows external factor plays an important role in economic performance of Singapore. In order to improve performance of output, employment and price level government designs several policies. Direct tools of fiscal and monetary policy are not very effective in Singapore. Fiscal policy tool like increase in consumption, government or investment expenditure cannot be fully effective because of smaller multiplier effect. Monetary policy is implemented through tool of exchange rate appreciation. Despite being a small economy, satisfactory performance in different economic indicators give the economy an important place in developed counties list. References Abdullah, M. A., Chan, R. K. (2016). Foreign Labor In The Midst Of The Asian Economic Crisis: Early Experiences From Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan And Singapore.Jurnal Kinabalu (eJK),4. Ali, G., Zaman, K., Ziaei, S. M., Anuar, M. A. (2014). Stock Return Response to Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interaction in Singapore.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,5(27 P3), 1712. Balassa, B. (2014). Development Strategies'.International Economics and Development: Essays in Honor of Ral Prebisch, 159. Battaglini, M., Coate, S. (2016). A political economy theory of fiscal policy and unemployment.Journal of the European Economic Association,14(2), 303-337. Chew, M. P. G. (2013).Measuring economic sustainability of nations: Singapore as case study(Doctoral dissertation). Chow, H. K., Lim, G. C., McNelis, P. D. (2014). Monetary regime choice in Singapore: Would a Taylor rule outperform exchange-rate management?.Journal of Asian Economics,30, 63-81. Retrieved 5 August 2017, from Retrieved 5 August 2017, from Gal, J. (2015).Monetary policy, inflation, and the business cycle: an introduction to the new Keynesian framework and its applications. Princeton University Press. Laubach, T., Williams, J. C. (2016). Measuring the natural rate of interest redux.Business Economics,51(2), 57-67. Siddiqui, K. (2016). A study of Singapore as a developmental state. InChinese Global Production Networks in ASEAN(pp. 157-188). Springer International Publishing. Singapore Inflation Rate | 1962-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast. (2017) Retrieved 5 August 2017, from Tan, A. H. (2016). Economic Prospects of Singapore. InSINGAPORE 2065: Leading Insights on Economy and Environment from 50 Singapore Icons and Beyond(pp. 213-218). Tan, M. S. L. (2016). Policy coordination among the ASEAN-5: A global VAR analysis.Journal of Asian Economics,44, 20-40. Tremewan, C. (2016).The political economy of social control in Singapore. Springer. Wirtz, J., Chung, L. M. (2015). Singapore: Macro Trends and their Implications for Consumer Marketing. InProceedings of the 1997 World Marketing Congress(pp. 441-443). Springer, Cham.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Madrigal Proper It Used A free essay sample
Madrigal proper, it used a bit of word painting which is the matching of music to the words in the text. The Ballet, which is where dancers tell a story through movements and music. And the Are, It is performed in several of ways including math or without accompaniment. 2. Chorales are easy to sing melodies which are usually based on traditional folk songs. Since the printing press allowed for the publishing of hymnbooks they were popular. 3.A consort is an instrumental ensemble consisting of six instrument which are: Flute or recorder, lute, cistern, violin r treble viola De gamma, bandore and the bass viola De gamma. 4. Gallinule Duffy as a Franco Flemish composer who was born In Brussels, he was a prolific composer and was very influential in the fifteen century. Gallinule wrote music In many different musical form available, Including chants, motets, chorales, and masses. 5. Consort music. Sometimes he can be considered one of the first geniuses of the keyboard and some of his compositions were published In My Ladle Unveils Book and Parenting. We will write a custom essay sample on Madrigal Proper It Used A or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page . Renaissance music differ from medieval music due to that medieval music refers to music written in the Middle Ages, around 500 AD-1400. Most of the music was monotonic or homoerotic plainchant. Renaissance music refers to the period from around 1400-1600. And in this time period the music became different compared to the medieval music. 2. The effects of the printing press were that It made music available for a lot of people throughout Europe. It allowed for music to be written down and kept for ages and generations. 3. During the Renaissance USIA had the opportunity to flourish and continue to develop. Therefore, it can be seen as the birth of modern music. 4. In the Renaissance music was for entertainment to all people used in plays, receptions and concerts. It was an important thing in peoples lives. 5. The advantage of using a melody that was already created is that the composers have a base where they can begin at from the start and develop the music from there on. It would be better to think of new melodies but it easier to take on that has been already created.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How to Bend and Draw Glass Tubing
How to Bend and Draw Glass Tubing Bending and drawing glass tubing is a handy skill for managing laboratory glassware. Here is how to do it. Note About Glass There are two main types of glass using in a lab: flint glass and borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass may carry a label (e.g., Pyrex). Flint glass typically is not labeled. You can bend and draw flint glass using just about any flame. Borosilicate glass, on the other hand, requires higher heat in order to soften so that you can manipulate it. If you have flint glass, try to use an alcohol burner, since too high of heat may cause your glass to melt too quickly to work it. If you have borosilicate glass, youll need a gas flame in order to work the glass. The glass wont bend or else will be very hard to bend in an alcohol flame. Bending Glass Tubing Hold the tubing horizontally in the hottest part of the flame. This is the blue part of a gas flame or just above the top of the inner cone of an alcohol flame. Your goal is to heat the section of glass you want to bend, plus about a centimeter on either side of this point. A flame spreader is helpful for a gas flame, but not absolutely necessary.Rotate the tubing to make certain it is heated evenly.ââ¬â¹Ã¢â¬â¹As you heat and rotate the tubing, apply gentle and continuous pressure where you want it bent. Once you feel the glass start to yield, release the pressure.Heat the tubing a few seconds longer. It starts to bend under its own weight, you have overheated it!Remove the tubing from the heat and allow it to cool a couple of seconds.In a single motion, bend the slightly cooled glass to the desired angle. Hold it in that position until it hardens.Set the glass on a heat-resistant surface to allow it to completely cool. Do not set it on a cold, un-insulated surface, such as a st one lab bench, since this likely will cause it to crack or break! An oven mitt or hot pad works great. Drawing Glass Tubing Heat the tubing as if you were going to bend it. Place the section of glass to be drawn in the hottest part of the flame and rotate the glass to heat it evenly.Once the glass becomes pliable, remove it from heat and pull the two ends straight away from each other until the tubing reaches the desired thickness. One trick to avoid getting a bow or curve in the glass is to let gravity help you out. Hold the glass tubing vertical to draw it, either pulling up on it or else letting gravity pull it down for you.Allow the tubing to cool, then cut it and fire polish the sharp edges. Among other uses, this is a handy technique for making your own pipettes, especially if you find the ones you have on hand are either too big or too small to deliver the desired volume. Troubleshooting Here are some causes and fixes for common problems: Glass Wont Get Soft - This happens if the flame temperature is too low to heat the glass. The solution is to use a hotter fuel, such as gas.Glass Gets Too Soft, Too Fast - This is caused by using too high of heat. Back off on the length of time you put the glass in the heat, hold it further from the hottest part of the flame, or use a fuel source that burns with a cooler flame.Glass Has Bumps or Crimps - This can happen by bending the glass more than once or by letting it get too soft so that its weight starts to pull it down. The solution to this problem is experience and practice since there is a certain amount of art to knowing when to remove the glass from the flame to bend it or pull it. Just know that once you decide to bend/pull, its a one-time deal. If it doesnt work, its unlikely you can reheat the glass and get a better outcome.Glass Tubing Seals - If the inside of the tube seals, its because the glass got too hot. If you are bending the glass, remove it from the heat soone r. If you are pulling glass, let it cool a bit more before drawing it. Note that you may wish to purposely seal the glass. If you do, just heat the tubing in the flame, rotating it, until it seals shut.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Plan for visiting your policymaker Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Plan for visiting your policymaker - Assignment Example For instance, the ââ¬Å"clinical guidelines on the identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity adultsâ⬠was instituted in 1998. These guidelines were aimed to be employed by health practitioners dealing with obese and overweight individuals. The government has also instituted the weight-control information network to deal with obesity (Voigt & Kristin, 2014). The government has also instituted other policies and programs that seek to educate the people on their diets and the importance of exercising. Over the past few decades, the different presidents that have been in power have encouraged people to eat healthy and exercise. Prevention of child obesity is particularly significant in nursing practise as the primary goal is to prevent diseases and promote healthy lifestyles in the society (Institute of Medicine US, 2012). This goes a long way to imply that nurses must take a leadership role in responding to the epidemic of obesity. Voigt and Kristin (2014) argue that obesity can be caused by genetic, metabolic and environmental factors or a combination of the three. Nurses can promote healthy lifestyles patterns that minimizes the risk of overweight by emphasizing on the importance of breastfeeding, physical exercises, regular meals and nutritional weight counseling. Obesity is an issue that requires the input of almost everyone including federal, state and local policy makers. The policy makers involved in childhood obesity include my congressperson, Carlos Curbelo and Commissioner Juan C Zapata. I will try to contact the policy makers through calling their offices to book appointments. Terry (2013) acknowledges that calling is an appropriate way of booking for appointments or contacting policymakerââ¬â¢s offices. Each of these policy makersââ¬â¢ offices have contact numbers that are available on their webpages. Additionally, their numbers are listed on the blue pages of my phone book.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Safe and Productive Neighborhoods and Economic Prosperity Essay
Safe and Productive Neighborhoods and Economic Prosperity - Essay Example From this study it is clear thatà the emergence of street gangs in some communities is more prevalent in groups of low income families with less education, while the contrary is true to families with relatively higher income and high education. Therefore, it is reasonable for Putnam to say that each person in the community is not only influenced by their own ââ¬Å"choices and circumstancesâ⬠but also with ââ¬Å"the choices and circumstances of their neighborsâ⬠.à Community is a business where social capital would gain utmost importance in the initial and with the whole process of developing it. Generally speaking, there is no one country whose richness is definite and absolute in the presence of poorer communities and less educated people. As observed, such kinds of communities are clustered in a seemingly patterned way, where well-educated and people of ââ¬Ëdecentââ¬â¢ values group together while those who have high dropout probability in school levels are also living in the same community.This paper highlights thatà clustering may also be dependent on the economic status of families. In the case of Tupelo, Mississippi, improvement was largely because of financial status and engagement in development activities such as the pooling of financial resources by farmers and businessmen. In the development of employment and education in Tupelo, it has reached a satisfactory reputation nowadays. Communities which are well-developed does not necessarily mean that they have zero crime rates.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
International Fast Food Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International Fast Food Company - Essay Example In 1953, McDonaldââ¬â¢s Fast Foodsââ¬â¢ most successful restaurant in Arizona was franchised. Similarly, the restaurant located at California was franchised. The outright success of the McDonaldââ¬â¢s was with the entry of Ray Kroc who entered into partnership with Mac and Dick (Love, 2008). He was given the right to expand the franchise. Owing to this new partnership, McDonaldââ¬â¢s opened its new branch outside America specifically Richmond Colombia. This was the first ever branch outside America. It is amazingly interesting to note that by 1963 the McDonaldââ¬â¢s had more than 100 fast food restaurants worldwide. It was between 1960 through 1970 when significant growth was marked. This may have been due to the massive advertising strategies that were adopted by McDonaldââ¬â¢s ads team. Kroc played a major role in advertising McDonaldââ¬â¢s products making them the most admirable ads in the world. He also developed the Golden arches logo in 1962. In 1963, McDon aldââ¬â¢s introduced the red haired wit which attracted a massive appeal from children and the youth. Later on as the years progressed, Kroc opted to buy out McDonaldââ¬â¢s brothers for a total cost of $2.7 million. 2. Rationale behind Internationalization McDonaldââ¬â¢sà international strategy is based on the recognition of the available opportunities in overseas market and not because their home market is already saturated. In fact, McDonalds established franchised markets internationally because it needed to capitalize on available opportunities particularly among the rapidly growing populations in Asia. It is worth noting that while choosing markets McDonalds preferred whose prospects for expansion were optimal. For this reason, McDonalds entered into international markets. When Kroc solely began owning the company, he knew well that the success of McDonaldââ¬â¢s fast food company was dependent on its ability to grow rapidly amid an ever widening competitive enviro nment. Therefore, he began to offer franchises. As a result, several franchised McDonaldââ¬â¢s opened up in various parts of the world. For instance, one such franchised branch opened up in the U.K. in1986. To date, close to 70% of all McDonaldââ¬â¢s outlets worldwide are franchised. Today, McDonaldââ¬â¢s boasts of having more than 120 restaurantsââ¬â¢ and a customer base of over 60,000 people there was a need to employ intensive franchising as a means of promoting products and building a brand name. 3. Market entry strategy McDonaldââ¬â¢s Fast Foods Company envisions placing itself strategically with an aim of becoming a superior performer in the world market. McDonaldsââ¬â¢ franchise market entry strategy has always been informed by the customer base and room for expansion. In fact, the company is guided by their interest on low production cost while at the same time guided by their choice to serve their customers at their convenience (Pride & Ferrell, 2012). It prefers the use of franchise because once the market is established, it will be easier to modify and adapt to customerââ¬â¢s local tastes and preferences. McDonalds has used this strategy in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia with success. As mentioned earlier in this discussion,
Friday, November 15, 2019
Customization And Personalization Through Emarketing Marketing Essay
Customization And Personalization Through Emarketing Marketing Essay The most current and relevant literature on e-marketing is examined and the relevant areas disused in various literature which has connection with the objective of the business project are explored in this chapter. E-business and e-commerce are modern form of business which is performed in a technologically advanced business environment. The e-business is termed as the application of information technology for internal business process as well as activities in which a company engages during commercial activity. These activities can include functional activities such as finance, marketing, human resources management and operations (Philips, 2003). Ecommerce is the use of Information and communication technology to enable external activities and relationship with individuals, groups and other businesses (Laudon and Traver, 2002).Due to the growth in electronic media for business functions , the way of interaction between the supplier, distributor, seller and customer has become changed and more enhanced. E-commerce channels allow businesses to get to the customer faster, with more velocity, and more value (Budhwani, 2001) E-Marketing E-marketing is a process of building and maintaining customer relationship through online activities to facilitate the exchange of ideas, products and services that satisfy the goals of both parties (Mohammed et al, 2001). Strauss et al (2003) suggest that e-marketing covers a wide range of IT related applications with three main aims: Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value through more effective segmentation, targeting, differentiation and positioning strategies; more efficiently planning and executing the conception, distribution, promotion and pricing of goods, services and ideas; creating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organisational customers objectives. Business is mainly based on exchange process; e-marketing has the ability to be beneficial for all the people who involve in the business. Mainly organization has realised this and started to refocus their marketing strategy using e-marketing. E-Marketing versus Traditional Marketing As number of individuals spending their time on internet is increasing rapidly, e-marketing is growing as a powerful marketing tool. Due to advancement and utilisation of technology in Internet has grown rapidly, thereby e-marketing gained more attention by most of the firms and due to this the traditional marketing methods loses its value. The traditional marketing channels like as television, print media, and radio are becoming less popular. The traditional media are competing with the electronic media for seeking customer attention but the Internet and appear to be gaining over the other media. On implementing E-Marketing a company can reach its customer directly through website, e-mail, social networking sites and various other means. E-Marketing is cost effective and also gains lot of attention of the customer. These factors make E-Marketing to overlap the traditional marketing. The Internet is assumed to be an important channel for marketing and distribution of products and services. This is, among other things, due to the cost-effectiveness of the Internet and the convenience for customers. With the Internet marketers can reach out to a broad customer base, locate target customers, identify their needs and communicate with them at a relatively low cost. The Internet provides an opportunity for market testing and optimization. Increasing digitalization will make it progressively easier to experimentally alter particular aspects of a business and quickly observe how customers respond (Wyner, 2000) Benefits of e-marketing E-marketing has several benefits which can be capitalised by the organisation to gain competitive advantages; those benefits are listed below, The web allows non-linear communication in which there is free flow and exchange of information, and there is a potential for two-way communication between a business and its audiences in different contexts on a one to one basis, and a many-to-many basis. The many-to-many model involves communication between customers (Hoffman and Novak, 1995). E-marketing can increase an organisations geographic coverage beyond its traditional operating area. E-marketing will also make the organisation to have a global presence and a wider reach. New market and new customers can be obtained by the company, if the e-marketing is utilised effectively. Moreover e-marketing provides a cheap way of communicating with customers and the business transactions can also be cared out in low cost. A website can be used as a powerful business tool for carrying out sales and services all day providing greater convenience for the customer. Besides that e-marketing can be used for an online sales promotion and provide targeted offers and special privileges to the customer. E-Marketing is fast and flexible communication tool and helps to fulfil the customer retention objective of the company. The internet provides rich sources of marketing data for the marketers, which can be used for decision-making purposes. Additionally e-marketing research supported with appropriate software and technology provides a good data analysis to streamline the process of research. Similarly e-marketing help to improve the brand name and provides a better platform for development of the brand presence. The purpose of branding is to facilitate the organisations task of getting and maintaining a loyal customer base in a cost-effective manner to achieve the highest possible return on investment (De Chernatony and McDonald, 1998, p.17) E-marketing problems There are also few problems with e-marketing that marketers must understand and respond to. Those are outlined below: A companys marketing environment consists of the actors and forces outside marketing that affect the marketing managements ability to develop and maintain successful transactions with its target customers. The marketing environment offers both threats and opportunities (Kotler et al, 2001) The major problem of e-marketing is lack of trust among the online users to make transactions with unknown traders and the customers resistance to change, mainly older and disadvantage people. Next big problem is customers concerns over privacy issues such as spam and unwanted marketing communication. Rising network security doubts over fraud and hacking cause huge setback for e-marketing. Moreover the technology gap between the organization and customer is a disadvantage. There are also difficulties and social impacts in cross-broader trading using electronic media. Customization and Personalization through E-marketing The e-marketing provides customization and personalization benefits to both firm and the customer. Customisation refers to more personalised products availability and tailored communication. The Internet marketing environment offers extensive customization and personalization opportunities. The evolution from marketing on the averages to marketing on the differences is a very prominent theme and a major advantage of the Web market compared to real environments (Reitman, 1994). Customization provides the ability to the customer to order product uniquely as per their need and specification. This helps the firms to know more about the individual customer, so that the offers and communications can be tailored as per the behaviour of the customer. This provides a great competitive advantage. E-marketing and Customer Focus The customer focus is very essential for any business organisation and marketing activities are will be build to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction. Customer loyalty is emerged from satisfaction and from loyalty come more profitability and sales. The customer is the key element for all business but the e-marketing make customer even more powerful. Due the technology advancement customers are more demanding with search engines, more substitute product availability and multi-channel user friendly technology. Customer makes up the online communities of an organisation. Consumer behaviour growing to be more complex. But e-marketing coupled with emerging technologies enables more precise segmentation and targeting of customer. E-marketing helps to implement personalised offering to each customer, this done by obtaining permission and sends offers to target customer. The interactive nature of internet allows getting quicker customer feedback. These factors of e-marketing helps fi rms to remain customer focused.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Demanding Creativity: A Production-Oriented Approach to Teaching the Comedia :: Essays Papers
Demanding Creativity: A Production-Oriented Approach to Teaching the Comedia For a growing number of people in the twentieth century United States, the phrase "twenty-first century" evokes the current prominence and future promise of information-age technology. The wonders of e-mail, Web browsing, and "wired" classrooms have descended upon all of us, and these developments have made lasting contributions to the way we think, organize our time, plan our activities, and interact with other people.1 With each passing year, more and more groups and individuals embrace computer technologyââ¬âmost notably, the Internetââ¬âfor personal and professional purposes, and teachers, scholars, schools, and institutes seem to be at the forefront of this movement. In general, this trend remains in an incipient stage, as the mystique of the Internet has not fully given way to the established use of it, and as profound socio-economic disparities within our society keep the promise and implementation of any computer-based activity out of the reach of some educators and m any students.2 Even in the colleges, universities, and privileged school districts where the technological revolution has been solidly institutionalized for teaching and research purposes, there exist among todayââ¬â¢s studentsââ¬âDon Tapscottââ¬â¢s "Net Generation" or "N-Gen"ââ¬âsignificant disparities in interest and familiarity with the medium that defines them.3 The twenty first century as a special moment in the history of the technologizing of society may indeed be overstated, but it is certain that Internet technology exercises a direct influence on select aspects of our society, and this phenomenon has affected and continues to affect the people and institutions of society that have remained at the margins of technologization.4 In particular, the process of creation and consumption of Internet technology in certain circles of United States society has emerged from and reinforced an image culture established during this century by the mass popularity of blockbuster cinema and broadcast television.5 The predominantly visual nature of information, ideas, and epistemology of cinema and television has defined image culture in the United States, and image culture, in turn, has transformed and marginalized the primarily verbal nature of information, ideas, and epistemology of print culture. As image culture has established itself in our society, there has been no lack of cultural historians who have taken to print in order to lament the demise of print culture. Neil Postman argues in Amusing Ourselves to Death that this centuryââ¬â¢s triumph of television over books has weakened the quality of public discourse and thus has rendered education ineffectual.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Why It Is Important to Develop Sustainable Cities?
Why it is important to develop sustainable cities? With the rapid development of urbanization, there are an increasing number of serious problems emerging all over the world, especially in some developing countries. Therefore, if we want to live a sustainable life without destroying the natural resources and wildlife, some effective and feasible sustainable development policies must be taken step by step from now on. Firstly, too many people move from rural areas to urban areas, along with the high growth rate and the low death rate in the cities, which has led to space and housing shortages.There is no enough room for such a large amount people living in the cities, so poor housing conditions, such as squatter settlements and shanty towns are unavoidable. Such poorly constructive and unplanned shacks are usually lack of running water, electricity and sewage systems. Additional, people who live in the slums cannot afford to good quality education, healthcare and social services. To s olve the housing problems, one way is to improve the infrastructure and boost the employment opportunities in rural areas to inspire people to move back to countryside.Another solution is to build ââ¬Å"satellite New Townsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"New Territoriesâ⬠near the cities to disperse overcrowded people, like Hong Kong where it has made process on building the high-rise blocks of flats in new settlements. Secondly, the severe pollution problems are more obvious in the cities than those in the countryside. Because of the emission of cars and chemical factories, air pollution has become the biggest challenge for most city governors.It is essential to follow sustainable development policies, such as encouraging mass transit and building fast and efficient transport systems to find alternatives to cars. At the same time, regulations and laws are critical methods to fine or even close badly polluting factories and workshops but encourage environmental-friendly production activitie s. Lastly, there is continuous big concern on exhausting of non-renewable energy resources, i. e. oil, wood, gasoline and minerals. If we overuse and overexploit such energy resources blindly, how can our next generation live?So it is an urgent issue for human beings to discover and make good use of locally available renewable energy (solar, wind and biogas etc. ), which are clean and unlimited, but it will have so many limiting factors to make use of them, like technical financial restrictions. Overall, apparently, practical and feasible sustainable development policies are able to address most problems which come across in the process of human society developing. Therefore, it is vital and necessary to make more and more sustainable policies to keep the pace of urbanization. Word count: 418 words
Friday, November 8, 2019
Medieval Life essays
Medieval Life essays The Middle Ages was a period in Western European history that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire between the 4th and 5th centuries and lasted up into the 15th century. Medieval Europe was far from unified. It was a large area split into small, culturally diverse units that were never totally in control by any one authority. With the collapse of the Roman Empire, Christianity became the backbone of Western civilization. The papacy gradually gained secular authority and monastic communities, generally under the Rule of St. Benedict, flourished during this time period. By the 8th century, culture centered on Christianity had been established. Feudalism, with the manorial system as its backbone, became the typical social and political organization of Europe. The new framework gained stability from the 11th century, as the invaders became Christian and settled and as prosperity was created by agricultural innovations, increasing productivity, and population expansion. As Eu rope entered the period known as the High Middle Ages, the church became the widespread and unifying institution. Strong popes, especially Gregory VII, worked for a renewed Europe guided by a centralized church, a goal which evolved under Innocent III. The church was weakened by internal conflicts as well as by quarrels between church and state. Finally, the great medieval unity of Christianity was shattered by the religious theories that culminated in the Protestant Reformation. The transition from the Greco-Roman world to the medieval world was a sharp break from the ancient past which preceded it. More specifically, the church and state were never separate entities during ancient times. Also, in terms of economics, the economy that was created in Greece and Rome centered on agriculture saw little change during the transition into the Middle Ages. Indeed, Europe during the Middle Ages took a sharp break from the tradition and legacy that was formed...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Take the shot Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers
Take the shot Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers Connor Johnson Mr. Pollard Creative Writing P. 6 11/12/15 Take the shot Pan through a desert, hearing the wind. It picks up the dust and that swirls around the sky. Throughout the panning, you hear the static of a radio comms system, and inaudible talking coming through it. The camera slows and stops as it starts to pan past a pair of old worn combat boots. The camera pans up, slowly revealing a person, with the physique of a man, wearing Middle Eastern civilian clothing lying on the ground. The scarf he wears flaps a bit in the breeze, as well as his brown, unkempt hair. The camera keeps panning up, and you see hes holding a rifle. An American rifle. Anthony Command this is Apollo do you read me HQ Apollo this is command. We hear you loud and clear Anthony Im in position, ready to receive target. HQ Alright were transmitting data to you as we speak Letting out a small chuckle, and shifting his body Anthony Maybe next time can you give me a position a bit closer? Its hot as balls out here and Im tired as fuck. The men at HQ laugh audibly through the comms HQ Well think about it alright? Anthony Sounds good to me HQ Oh hey by the way Maggie called. She made us promise you wed tell you before the mis Anthony Spit it out already man whatd she say. HQ Its a girl and her name is Ashley. Theyre both healthy and fine. Congrats Tony. Anthony Well way to go now all al-Qaeda knows who I am. But thanks it means a lot. Tony flips his hand so the camera can see two names tattooed on his wrist. Maggie and Ashley it reads. Camera pans to the side of his head, as he smiles sadly. His thoughts are brought back by a faint beeping coming from his small computer. He looks down and it shows a young girl picture. Anthony Sir I think you made a mistake. This isnt a target, its a little girl HQ Exactly theyre getting craftier. Weve received Intel that she is going to detonate inside the bazaar. Take her out before she gets there. Anthony Sir, I cant do that. We dont know for a fact that shes carrying weapons, or even that shes with the extremists HQ Apollo this is a direct order, do not disobey Anthony Fuck off Anthony clicks off his comms and the camera zooms forward like hes looking through his scope. Camera strafes back and forth like he is searched, and then quickly focusses in on a small girl skipping along between some houses. About a house back, there are some larger men following. Anthony I have eyes on the target she looks harm Fuckin hell Anthony clicks the comms back on HQ Dont you ever do that again do you he Anthony Will all due respect sir. Shut the hell up. I have eyes on the girl. She looks harmless, but I see some bigger hostiles behind her HQ You will be reprimanded for this soldier, but take the shot. Take the shot now. Anthony You think this is all a game. Just a fucking game. Well theres lives at stake here. People, actual people that you cant just wipe off the map. They arent just dots on a map, they have families. Brothers and sisters. This girl has a mother and a father you know. Do you have kids sir? ` No, I dont, but I dont see how that appl Anthony Shut up dammit. I do have a kid. A girl as a matter of fact. Her name is Ashley HQ I know Anthony Did? I say you could talk? HQ Silence Anthony gets up and starts to take apart his rifle. He pulls out his binoculars and looks down at the girl. She skips to a house and two parents come out and hug her. Anthony Are you seeing this command? You wanted me to kill this girl in front of her house in front of her family, and you dont even say sorry? HQ We can debrief once you get back to base. Anthony I dont think we will. Im done. Im out. HQ Dont think you can leave like this. We wil jail you. What do you thnk your wife wil say. You have a kid tothink about. Anthony Do you think I give a fuck right now? Anthony clicks off the comms, pulls up his scarf pics up his rifle and walks away
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Computer applications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Computer applications - Essay Example The use of computerized physician order entry will make it able for comparison of orders against recommended standards while also conducting a background check on other patientââ¬â¢s health conditions like allergies and the various conditions that could arise from the use of the medication. The four methods for ensuring physical security of health information include having facility access controls, regulating workstation use, workstation security and device and media controls. Facility access controls includes the policies and the procedures limiting physical access to information systems and the facilities an entity houses its electronic information systems and only allowing properly authorized access. Workstation use involves putting in place standards that specify the proper functions to be performed the electronic devices of the entity which might include laptops or desktop computers which should ensure that inappropriate use is not allowed to limit instances of risks like virus attacks. Workstation security on the other hand deals with physical protection from unauthorized users by restriction of physical access to workstations through the use of secured locations with access for only authorized personnel. Device and media controls regulates the receipt and the r emoval of hardware and electronic media within and without the facility and general handling of protected health information. Some of the strengths of potential of future technologies as described in the video The Future of Healthcare: Artificial Intelligence & Clinical Support System include the ability of the medical artificial intelligence to perform diagnosis while also having the capabilities of making therapy recommendations. Additionally, artificial intelligence programs are synchronized with symbolic models of disease entities with their relationship to different patient factors and clinical manifestations which improves the accuracy of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
EXPENDITURE ON MOBILE PHONES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
EXPENDITURE ON MOBILE PHONES - Essay Example rates and tariff. The behavioural pattern is more obvious in groups of consumers than in individual consumers. The mobile phone market is expected to grow by 2% in retail volume compared to its review period which witnessed a 40% growth in the earlier period. Owing to the already high penetration rate of mobile phones in the household sector which accounts for 261% in 2013, the future CAGR of the mobile phone market is expected to remain low. Australia experienced a high penetration rate in mobile phone usage. The household penetration of mobile phones grew owing to the rise of smart phones. Consumers in Australia had the tendency to retain the old phones for spare use. This also led to the high penetration rate of mobile phone usage. This trend was observed more in case of simple mobile phones, but in case of smart phones the scenario was different. Smart phones were evolving at a high rate and consumers were less inclined to retain it for spare use as it failed to match the superior performance and feature of the new smart phones. This led to the drop in the penetration rate of smart phone in the Australian market. The penetration rate dropped from 86% in 2010 to 33% in 2013. Samsung retained its leader position in the smart phone market in Australia with more than 32% retail market share. 1 The smart phone market in US has shown significant growth owing to the existence of low value contracts of older models of smart phones. The total shipping value in units for smart phones accounted for 134 million units in 2014. It witnessed an annual growth rate of 9% in the smart phone market in 2013 and an absolute growth rate of 37% from 2008 to 2013. The smart phone industry in US has observed the shift more in case of low priced phones than high value phones. The key focus was on volume and not on value. This was mainly observed when retailers in US offered smart phones for a contract of less than $200 for two years. The older version of the
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Victims of Organizational Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Victims of Organizational Crime - Essay Example Organizational crime is examined and prosecuted by the federal and state administrations. For most individuals, organizational crime is not observed as a crime at all, for the reason of its non-violent nature. Violent crime has an instant and apparent effect on its victims that raises the consideration of the public, whereas organizational crime repeatedly goes unnoticed or is observed as a bending of the rules. Organizational crime; on the other hand, can have more of an impact than violent crimes. The victim of a violent crime can recuperate, where as the victim of organizational crime can have immeasurable impact that can destroy one's home, family, and even life. The genuine problem behind organizational crime is not defining organizational crime, but developing the suitable means to correct this type of crime. Organizational crimes offenders are much more likely to be employed steadily than conventional criminals and are slightly less likely to be unemployed than the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are better educated than either conventional criminals or the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are more likely to be male and white than conventional offenders. Organizational crimes offenders are generally older than either conventional criminals or the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are much better off financially than conventional criminals, but not as well off as the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are more likely to have a prior arrest than the general public, but less likely than conventional criminals. A victim of organizational crime should gather and save all documentation that directly relates to the losses. If an arrest is made and a conviction is attained, the judge will think requiring the offender to pay victim for restitution. Victims of organizational crimes experience varying level of emotional trauma. A victim of organizational crime may feel some or all of the following: 1) Annoyance, antipathy, and a sense of infidelity toward the criminal for taking advantage of one. 2) Aggravation with criminal justice experts. 3) Disgrace, humiliation, and guilt if one feels one contributed to one's victimization. (Weisburd, et. al. 2001) Some victims find it helpful to seek the services of a counseling professional, clergy member, or advocacy organization. Contact your victim/witness coordinator if you need help in locating such services. A number of states, including Washington, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Rhode Island, Florida, and Oklahoma, have enacted Victims' Bills of Rights. These states have provided victims of crimes the right to be informed of state victim compensation programs, to be treated with dignity and compassion, to be provided with counseling and other forms of assistance by agencies established specifically to serve crime victims and to have certain procedural rights in the prosecution of the crime in which they were victimized, including the right to be notified of important developments in the case and to be heard on such questions as sentencing and parole. Although judges have long had the power to order organizational crime offenders to pay restitution to their victims, for a variety of
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Impact of Training and Development on the Employees of the Insurance Sector in Jordan Essay Example for Free
The Impact of Training and Development on the Employees of the Insurance Sector in Jordan Essay The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on developing the most superior workforce so that the organization and individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to customers , All employees want to be valuable and remain competitive in the labour market at all times. This can only be achieved through employee training and development. Employees will always want to develop career-enhancing skills, which will always lead to employee motivation and retention. There is no doubt that a well-trained and developed staff will be a valuable asset to the company and thereby increasing the chances of his efficiency in discharging his or her duties, so our main focus about the practises of training and development in the insurance sector as it is a very important service sector . And to study the relationship between training and development with job satisfaction and morale among employees , inter personal relationship and customer satisfaction , employee motivation, efficiencies in processes, financial gain , capacity to adopt new technologies and methods , innovation in strategies and products , employee turnover , company image and productivity. METHODOLOGY: We are going to examine two of the most well-known companies in Jordan (Arab insurance company and Jordanian insurance company) through a qualitative research , data will be collected through a couple of interviews with some of the employees of the two companies from many managerial levels and by gathering primary information through literature review from recent journal papers and books. GROUP MEMBERS: * Sara khano * Bashar Kafafi * Lama Daas * Eman Khalil * Shireen Shakaa
Saturday, October 26, 2019
DRUGS AND REHAB :: essays research papers
When you hear the word drugs, what do you think of first? Most people think of drugs such as cocaine, weed, heroin, and ecstasy; not many people associate alcohol with drugs. Many young people are developing strong drug addictions these days. The amount of teens and young adults using drugs is going down all the time. Although many teens are beginning small, and ending up in a lot of trouble. Cigarettes and beer are just the beginning; eventually if you stay on this path you will move on to bigger things to get the same effects and end up in a rehabilitation centers. à à à à à First off, I would like to define what an addiction is. Addiction is defined as a compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance such as a drug. Addiction can be to anything in the world. Being addicted to something doesnââ¬â¢t have to be limited to just drugs. People have the ability to be addicted to anything in the world. à à à à à There are many kinds of drugs that young people are getting addicted to these days. Some of the main drugs that are used today by teens and young adults include the following: Marijuana, crack/cocaine, heroin, and LSD. Also a new fad in drugs known as ââ¬Å"club drugsâ⬠are entering the picture for teens. Some of these drugs include ecstasy, Rohypnol (Roofies), and Methamphetamine (Speed). à à à à à Marijuana is a mixture of leaves, stems and flowers of the Indian hemp plant Cannabis sativa, and is smoked or eaten for its hallucinogenic and pleasure-giving effects. The psychoactive ingredient of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is concentrated in the flowers. Hashish, a drug prepared from the plant resin, has about eight times more THC than marijuana. ( People who use marijuana seem to go through two different phases. The first phase being the initial stimulation. This stage consists of hyperness and euphoria. The second phase consists of sedation and a version of tranquility. Many people associate an increased appetite with the use of this drug. Also a heightened sensory awareness and of pleasure go along with the use. Negative effects can include confusion, acute panic reactions, anxiety attacks, fear, a sense of helplessness and loss of self-control. Like alcohol intoxication, marijuana impairs reading comprehension, memory, speech, problem-solving ability and reaction time. In addition to side effects to memory and behaivior, marijuana has effects on your health as well. Smoking this
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Inatimate Object Essay Essay
In my personal opinion, Mr. Rizzo would be a book because there are plenty of things that you can learn from him. For example you can learn life lessons, football, volleyball, and wrestling skills, and math skills. Particularly I think the book he would be, would be a ââ¬Å"Boys Handbookâ⬠type. I say this because Mr. Rizzo is a coach of all boysââ¬â¢ sports, is a good teacher at the things he teaches, and is very smart. Rizzo is a pre-algebra teacher in the Brackman Middle School. My eighth grade year having him as a math teacher helped me understand the concepts of algebra a lot better than I did. The way he teaches things he shows examples and works hand-in-hand with a student who may need the extra help (one reason why I believe heââ¬â¢s such a great teacher). Also, Mr. Rizzo showed my class a lot of tips, and tricks that can help you work through confusing algebraic equations. Iââ¬â¢m very happy that I was able to have Mr. Rizzo as my teacher because a lot of things he had taught me helped carry through my first Algebra 1 course as a freshman. In this book that Mr. Rizzo may be as an inanimate object, someone could learn math skills, tips, or tricks, like what he verbally taught me in the classroom. Also, Mr. Rizzo is a great athletic coach. He coaches wrestling and football at the middle school level, and varsity volleyball in the Barnegat High school. He had a scholarship for wrestling back in the day, but it was unfortunately taken away after he got into a fight in school and accidentally hit his wrestling coachââ¬â¢s wife in the face as she tried break up the fight that he was in. As a wrestler I know everything I know from Mr. Rizzo. I entered the Brackman Middle School gym my sixth grade year knowing absolutely nothing about wrestling. From then on I just constantly learned move, after trick, after combination, and more from him. As a football player I was coached by Rizzo for only one season when I was in eighth grade. He was my defensive coach for me and the rest of the linebackers. Not knowing much about the position because I used to play the defensive line in recent years, he taught me a lot of new ways to play, holes to hit, coverage zones, and more. Iââ¬â¢ve never played on a volleyball team but what I hear firsthand from players of Rizzoââ¬â¢s, is that he is nothing but a good coach. Between talking to Rizzo at wrestling, football, or in the classroom, my mind was always being blown by stories he had to tell about what has happened in his life, his family, what he had been through, and more. He changed my outlook on the future and made me realize that if you donââ¬â¢t work hard to succeed youââ¬â¢ll go nowhere in life. From stories of all the jobs he had worked to support himself and his family, different jobs to do, places to end up in life really showed me that you need to work hard to have a good life. What Rizzo had taught to me over the three years Iââ¬â¢d see him on a regular basis, was that whatever you do, you have to put your mind to and give it your all. Also that nothing in life comes easy to you and that you have to work for things. What I learned from him I believe will have a very large and positive impact on my future. In conclusion, if Mr. Derrick Rizzo were to ever become an inanimate object I believe that he would be a book. This book would not be just a regular one, but something can help many people, with many things. It can definitely increase someoneââ¬â¢s math smarts by a lot, by helping explain how to work through big problems, how to graph, simplify, and much more. You can learn a lot of tips and tricks in a lot of sports. Different ways to play defense in football, what holes to hit, who to cover, and what to do. In wrestling you can learn takedowns, pin combinations, escapes, and more; and how to play and do things in volleyball. Also, it can really change the way that people may look at life and think about or approach things. It would not only help and positively benefit people; it will also show why Mr. Rizzo is such an interesting person.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Airasia’s Logistic and Channel Management
As Airasiaââ¬â¢s vision is to be the largest low cost airline in Asia, our proposal might be a useful tool for Airasia to achieve their vision. The goal of our proposal is to decrease the operational cost of Airasia to attain cost efficiencies and provided the public with a lowest cost so that ââ¬Å"Now everyone can flyâ⬠with Airasia. Objective of this proposal is to develop e-Supply Chain Management to attain a much lower operation cost for Airasia in the coming year. In this proposal, we will discuss about; 1.Analyze of the factors contributing to enable e-SCM for Airasia, 2. Create an appropriate implementation plans to develop e-SCM, 3. Discuss the environmental factors that will affect the implementation, 4. Determine which department will e-SCM help the most, 5. Show the benefit of e-SCM to Airasia and stakeholders and 6. Suggestion for how to further improve the e-SCM. Overview of the company (Airasia, 2010) Now everyone can fly, this slogan held in every Malaysianâ â¬â¢s mind deeply. Airasia was an Asiaââ¬â¢s leading airline with a dream of making flying possible for everyone.The vision of Airasia is to be the largest low cost airline in Asia and serving the 3 billion people who are currently underserved with poor connectivity and high fares. The mission of Airasia included; â⬠¢ To be the best company to work for whereby employees are treated as part of a big family â⬠¢ Create a globally recognized ASEAN brand â⬠¢ To attain the lowest cost so that everyone can fly with Airasia â⬠¢ Maintain the highest quality product embracing technology to reduce coast and enhance service levels There are 6 main values that Airasia focused in to attain the lowest cost.The strategies used were; ? Safety first o Partnering with GE Engine Services the worldââ¬â¢s most renowned maintenance providers and complying with the world airline operations. o GE Engine Services began servicing jet aircraft engines over 50 years ago. o Provide large or small jet engines for commercial or military aircraft as well as engines for marine and industrial applications (Breaking Travel News, 2002). ? Hight Aircraft Utilisation o Implementing the regions fastest turnaround time at only 25 minutes, assuring lower costs and higher productivity. Low Fare, No Frills o Providing guests with the choice of customizing services without compromising on quality and services.à Example services provided food ; beverage, merchandise, excite, baggage supersize, pick a seat, premium service or corporate booking. ? Streamline Operations o Making sure the process are as simple as possible. o Example online ticket booking. ? Lean Distribution System o Offering a wide and innovative range of distribution channels to make booking and traveling easier. Strategy of distribution like call centre, sales office ; airport sales counter, authorized travel agents, mobile booking or online. ? Point to Point Network o Applying the point-to-point network keeps ope ration simple and cost low Analyze Airasiaââ¬â¢s Annual Report According to Airasiaââ¬â¢s Five-Year Financial Highlights from 2006 until 2009, Airasiaââ¬â¢s revenue is increasing steadily. Unfortunately, in year 2008 is having loss around RM497 million. This is because their operating expenses (-RM3,207 million) had exceeded their revenue (RM2,955 million).From the report, year 2008 Airasia had huge amount of air craft fuel expenses (-RM1,390 million) and derivatives (-RM679 million) on operational cost compare with years 2009 ââ¬âRM928 million and RM22 million. Due to the fuel expenses and derivatives, it causes Airasia making loss in year 2008 (Airasia Berhad, 2010). From the balance sheet, we can know that net current asset of year 2008 and year 2009 was increasing from RM163 million to RM511 million. It is because of non-current assets and current assets increased and current liabilities decreased.On non-current liabilities, borrowings of RM6,068 million in year 200 8 and RM7,068 million in year 2009 (Airasia Berhad, 2010). |Key Ratios (YE 31 Dec) |2008 |2009 | |Revenue growth (%) |n/a |8. 4 | |EBITDA growth (%) |n/a |86. | |Pretax margins (%) |(15. 3) |16. 8 | |Net profit margins (%) |(15. 4) |16. 3 | |Interest cover (x) |1. 6 |2. 1 | |Effective tax rate (%) |n/a |3. | |Net dividend payout (%) |n/a |0. 0 | |Debtors turnover (days) |91 |88 | |Stock turnover (days) |4 |3 | |Creditors turnover (days) |149 |127 | Adapted]From: Chew. B, 2010. Comparing with Malaysia Airlines, Malaysia Airlines have more revenue compare with Airasia but their profit after tax are around the same figure, which are RM493 million in year 2009, RM245 million in year 2008, RM853 million in year 2007, RM133 million loss in year 2006 and RM1,251 million lose in year 2005. Although Airasia revenue lower than Malaysia Airlines around RM8,442 million but Airasia can gain the profit like Malaysia Airlines. In conclusion, the strategies used by Airasia are very successful (Mala ysia Airlines, 2010).Compare Airasia with Malaysia airlines |2009 |Airasia |Malaysia Airlines |Differences in % | |Revenue |RM3,133 million |RM11,574 million |269. 42% | |Net profit after tax |RM506 million |RM493 million |-2. 57% | |Passengers carried |14,253 million |6,549 million |-54. 5% | |Fuel Expenses |RM927 million |RM3,497 million |277. 24% | |Net Current Asset |RM511 million |RM3,023 million |491. 59% | Balance Sheet Ratio for year 2009 |Ratio |Formula |Airasia |Malaysia Airlines | |Current |CA/CL |1. |0. 86 | |Quick |(Cash+AR)/CL |0. 86 |0. 74 | |Net Margin |NPAT/Sales |16. 2 |0. 04 | |Operating Margin |Operating profit/Sales |0. 15 |-0. 06 | |Return On Assets |NPAT/T. Assets |0. 04 |0. 6 | |Return On Investment |NPAT/Net Worth |0. 19 |0. 66 | The factors contributing to e- enable SCM in Airasia The invention of internet has greatly influence the traditional supply chain management in the world. Many company realize the benefits of apply IT into their supply chain managem ent. Internet has provided a great opportunity for company to share and access information faster and increase the productivity and efficiency of the supply chain performance.Other than that, e-enabled SCM lead to deduct the cost and add extra value for the company. Those enabling software like CRM, ERP and EDI which can help in make improvement on the integration with its buyers, sellers, suppliers and partners. Rapid changing of technology forcing the companies must plan to change their business strategy in order to understand consumer behavior and fulfill their needs. Due to the inefficiencies of the traditional supply chain management, many company decided to acquiring e-SCM are aim to better manage their supply chain flow to ensure it is operating smoothly.E-SCM is taking advantage in coordinate the cooperation with suppliers. E-commerce allow the seller promote and sell their products and services through the internet. Some of the buyers today prefer to search, buy, compare or book the products and services on the internet. Since the consumer behavior has changed, all of the companies are forcing to change their supply chain processes to adopt the new channel to meet the customer expectations. Thus, the supply chain needs to be different with the traditional channel.Airasia can provide customers booking flight ticket via internet (Gimenez et al. , 2003). Information sharing is a crucial part in supply chain management. Traditional supply chain management provided limited information flow among the employees, customers or the suppliers. That is higher cost and time consuming to get the information and it will cause the company canââ¬â¢t make a good decision. Therefore, internet provided a chance for company to share and access the real time information among its partners to ensure effective.Extranet can build a network to link the company and the partners together and granted to share and access information faster. Therefore, company can easily get the urgent information instantly in low cost. It can make a big improvement in enhancing the integration company with its suppliers. Other than that, an intranet can send and accept the documents through electronic media among the firms. In addition, internet is a high speed medium where can reach global. Internet can help the Company connect with their foreign partners in a minute for business information, discussion and proceed to procurement decision.It can know as e-procurement, example, Airasia can order the air bus spare part via internet (Gimenez et al. , 2003). Knowledge sharing, in the database management is not only offer precious information, there are also including planning, analyze the result and transfer and transform into meaningful information and share with business partners . Company can get the data with just a few clicks and help them to make a better decision for their business. That is providing big advantages to the company where is cost saving and improve the e fficiency of their business decision.Example, Airasia can collect their sales data and analyze it into meaningful information in order to respond to customer needs and demands and react quickly to the market. It can also use to forecast the company sales, so, the company can make decision to improve their sales (Gimenez et al. , 2003). One of the factors e-enabled supply chain management is it can design an effective supply chain to strive for effective collaboration and integration with suppliers and customers, increase the competitive advantages in the intense competition environment, improve the operational process, and gain a long-term benefit.Even though internet is an inexpensive and faster way to obtain the useful information to assist the company to improve the supply chain management, company has to design a good supply chain structure to make the supply chain flow more effective. The better of the supply chain design, the more benefits company can gain from it. Intense com petition today has forcing the company to do better always in order to survive in the market. Internet has offering the company a chance to design a better supply chain to enhance its supply chain performance by adding new functions to achieve the company objectives (Gimenez et al. 2003). Implementation plans to strategize an e-SCM In competitive environment today, internet technology provided strong tools to strengthen the companyââ¬â¢s electronic supply chain management. If the company can carry out an appropriate implement planning, it would lead to obtain a competitive edge. A poor planning may cause supply chain produce the poor result like low quality, poor services and higher cost. Initially, the company must clarify the supply chain goals to indentify which goals are going to set to get best effect in the business.Competitive level, distribution, production, financial and customers needs need to be concern to assure the new supply chain able to achieve company goals and f ulfill customersââ¬â¢ need. Outsourcing can be more suitable because operating a new supply chain is costly. After that, conduct a supply chain readiness audit to analyze the business. To understand the existing company core and capabilities priority. How the company is going to respond with high demand, global reach? It such as an evaluation of business before a new supply chain is implementing.Next step is developing a business case, the top management should develop a business case that understands electronic supply chain can increase the performances of business and it would improve the customer satisfaction, supplier integration and cost effectiveness. To make a better business case can help in achieve companyââ¬â¢s mission and objectives. Fourth step is establishing a supply chain coordination unit. Establish a skillful e-SCM team to implement and coordinate the supply chain.The team is to make sure the supply chain is operating under a smoothness condition, reduce the c ost, facilitate business performance and increase customer satisfaction. Training has to give out to improve the SCM team skill, knowledge and leadership (Kalakota et al, 2001). Next, begin supplier integration. Business partners are the important part in the supply chain to help the company to achieve their new business projects or objectives. Electronic supply chain will be inefficient if without any supplier support.Develop a performance score card to evaluate the performance of new supply chain. Reengineering might need when there have problems occur or something is going wrong. Penalties and performance reward may place into the measurement as incentives to drive e-SCM efficiency. The following step is always educate, educate, educate the members who are involve in the supply chain management by provide training, education, mentoring to the members to get the newest knowledge and information to perform well. At the final step, company has to learn to manage failure.Not every sy stem will always implementing smoothly, failure will lead into inefficiencies and influence the company daily operations. Thus, company must able to cope with the failure, understand the problem and learn from the failure and make improvement on it to prevent the problems occur again (Kalakota et al, 2001). Airasia is using Low Cost Carrier (LCC) business strategy to operate their business and transform supply chain management to electronic. Airsia is going to adopt several systems to support the e-SCM to operate smoothly.All of the systems are operating to achieve the business goals by cost effective of the operation (ERP and CRS) and maximize the revenue (YMS). Airasia attempts to integrate information technology with current supply chain management to carry out some planning and strategy that is implementing effectively to support and develop their business to coordinate their daily operation, integration and communication (Kho, 2005 and Wong, 2009). Advanced Planning and Schedul ing (APS) is introduced to improve the internal operational process and achieving low cost business strategy.In airline industry, complex network, huge daily operation and a lots of external factor that will influence the operational performance like bad weather. In order to be successfully implementing a good supply chain, Airasia can use APS to become a core of their supply chain to deal with the customer and supplier requirements. A series of effective functions will provide by APS to support Airasia in their daily operational activities. There are supplier portals, it will provide some useful information for Airasia to help them avoid from any system error such as order processing.APS also assist in inventory planning and maintenance management. APS is ability to integrate Airasia, its maintenance supplier, GE aviation, and other suppliers to manage the inventory such as spare part to check resource availability and place order priority to prevent out of maintenance stock and se t a maintenance schedule to ensure the aircraft is in a safety condition all the time. Route profitability analysis is conducting to set and plan an efficient route in order to save cost and increase revenue (Kho, 2005 and Wong, 2009).Computer Reservation System (CRS) is an integrated web-based inventory and reservation system including call center, airport departure control function, internet and others. Airasia is going to use e-commerce to facilitate the online reservation and purchase e-ticket process. Intermediary had eliminated in this process. Airasia will offer 24 hours per day and 7 days a week for real time transaction that enable local and global customers to book the ticket anytime. The system software will provide data in online booking and categorize stored, update automatically and help in scheduling flight activities.This is also cost effective by less depend on human resource for data entry. Therefore, Airasia can fully utilize the available of vast booking informat ion where bring customers to the website to minimize the unsold seat and maximize their sales. The comprehensive information is available by the supply chain system on the internet for customer to view, search and compare with others companies before they decide to purchase in terms of service, price or flight time.CRS has provided convenient for the company to maximize their sales to meet customersââ¬â¢ needs (Kho et al, 2005 and Wong, 2009). Beside that, Airasia had decided to acquire a Wireless Delivery System (WDS) to provide convenient to the customer so they able to book ticket through their mobile phone while increasing Airasia sales (Kho et al, 2005 and Wong, 2009). ERP is application software integrated with its company system that helps the company to manage the operational activities effectively and efficiency.Airasia can implement ERP system which is a system that will focus on company daily operations and help in save operational cost, maintain integrity, speed up re porting and increase efficiency of the operational performance and better manage its electronic supply chain (Kho et al, 2005 and Wong, 2009). Yield Revenue System (YMS) used to aid in understand, react and anticipated the buyer behavior to enhance the company revenue. The system can effectively result in optimize the Airasiaââ¬â¢s flight ticket price and maximize the company expected revenue. Example, seat price is available by different level in the different time.A ticket booking at a later time may be charge a higher price than an earlier booking. Other than that, the system will help the company adjust the ticket price when there have high demand in that destination. YMS is obtaining advantages in charge a lower price to maximize the revenue and adjust the price into higher price when the peak time through the demand forecast. In this case, Airasia can fully understand their consumer behavior and implementing the effective strategy to achieve their revenue objectives (Kho et al, 2005 and Wong, 2009). ECRM is a system software use to build a long term relationship with the customers.Many companies are plan to cut customer service cost while improve customer satisfaction. ECRM is providing extra advantages compare with offline CRM. Airasia will use ECRM to manage the complaints from the customers through the call center and solve the customer problem and question by FAQs with further customer service support line on the Airasia homepage. Besides that, ECRM also provide convenience for customer to check in through the internet and mobile phone. ECRM can help the Airasia indentify the frequent customer and reward them through reward program like frequently flyer program.Email notification may be send to the customers to inform them about the promotion information (Wong, 2009). Environmental factors that may affect the implementation of e-SCM in AirAsia External factors Sociological Social environment includes the cultures, customs, mores, values and demogr aphic characteristic of the society in which an organization functions. Social processes also determine the goods and services, as well as the standards of business conduct, that a society is likely to value and accept. (Smith, 2010) In Malaysia, most of the population is educated and 65. % of Malaysians use internet (Internet World Statistic, 2010). This eases the process of implement e-SCM. When suppliers, customers and employees of Airasia are educated and able to operate a computer, it will be very easy for them to understand the concept of e-SCM, accept and use it. Therefore, the learning cost of Airasiaââ¬â¢s e-SCM can be lower down. However, Airasiaââ¬â¢s supplier have different values in implementing e-SCM. They may refuse to share actual data with other companies due to lack of trust (Scalet, 2001). This caused a barrier while implementing e-SCM.Political The political environment reflects the relationship between business and government, usually in the form of govern ment regulation of business (Smith, 2010). Political factors such as labour laws, tax, trade policy, and political stability defines what Airasia can and cannot do while implementing e-SCM. During year 2009, the Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi was set to step down in March 2009. This caused political uncertainty. This issue may lead to difficulties in setting rules or changing any structure in Airasia in order to implement e-SCM.Besides, Airasia also operate in other countries, many laws will be different compare to Malaysia. So Airasia will face another issue while implement e-SCM. Economic Economic environment refers to relevant conditions that exist in the economic system in which a company operates. Those factors in economic environment are interest rates, exchange rate, economic growth, inflation rate and others (Smith, 2010). For example, the rising of oil and arousal of low-cost competitors like Firefly will affect Airasiaââ¬â¢s operating cost.They will influence the profi ts and availability of funds and cause implication on implementation of e-SCM (Yahoo! Answer, 2010). When Airasia is lack of fund, there will also lack of employees training cost on e-SCM and implementation cost. A Thai individual holds 1%, Airasia holds 49% and Shin Corporation hold 50% of Thai Airasia. Shin Corporation was owned by previous Thailand prime minister and it has strong financial strength to support Airasia to implement technology such as e-SCM (International Transport Workers' Federation, 2007). TechnologicalTechnological environment includes human knowledge, work methods, physical equipment, electronics and telecommunication and various processing systems which used to perform business activities. (Wong, 2009) Technology nowadays helps a lot in e-SCM. The main technology that affects implementation of e-SCM is Internet. It is serving as a medium for information access, transmission and sharing among suppliers, Airasia and its customers. Apart from that, with the aids of other technologies like intranet, extranet, e-mail, online conferencing, and others, all the supply chain partners ofAirasia can easily communicate and collaborate. Speed of information flow faster through Airasia to its customers or supplier. The other technology platform is Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). These technologies have stimulated implementation of e-SCM. Internal factors Human Resource When Airasia implement e-SCM strategy, every process, goal or system must be carry out by employees. Thus Airasia need to provide training to its employee, development, restructure and compensate in order to support e-SCM process. However, some employees may resist to change.Airasia must be award or compensate them so that implementation goes smoothly (Lancaster, 2006). Financial Resource Financial is critical factors that affect e-SCM. Without enough funds and capital, e-SCM cannot be implementing because e-SCM needs huge fund to carry out. Although Airasia is suffering loss during year 2009, Airasia can raise its fund to implement e-SCM by selling its share or capital restructure (Whitley, 2009). Physical Resource The infrastructure needed to be carry out e-SCM are corporate portals, workflow system and tools, EDI, intranet, extranet and others groupware tools.Airasia should gets all infrastructure ready to implement e-SCM. Organizational structure A flattened organization structure can easier to accept, adapt and implement new technologies or strategies (Pearlson, 2006). However, board of directors of AirAsia is too narrow, decision making will be too shallow (Onwutalobi, 2008). When implement e-SCM, decision making need to be fast, effective and efficient. Area that e-SCM help most in Airasia E-SCM helps Airasia a lot in this airline competitive industry and one of the ost significant advantages are reduced manifest preparation time, reduced paperwork handling time, reduced time in communicating with up- and do wn-stream intermodal partners and reduced load transference times between intermodal partners One of the significant e-SCM for an aviation company is the Computer Reservation System (CRS). Online sales through this system captured more than 50 percent of Airasiaââ¬â¢s revenue (Corporate website, 2005). The system can also detect the frequent flyers and rewards them accordingly to create higher customer retention rate and lead to a better stage of relationship marketing with the customers.The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) process provides the structure for how relationship with the customer is develop and maintained (Croxton et al. , 2001). CRM can be a system linked together with the CRS in order to obtain the customer description and reservation description to provide them with full range of customer service including the FAQ questions in it. Besides that, Distributed Database System (DDS) is also a core element in this successful Airasia in the airline industry. If Air asia tend to expand to a wider range of market share, a geographically dispersed database can be used to plan its flight schedule carefully.Another element is that Wireless Delivery System (WDS) for the ease of their customers to browse company website details and place their reservation using their mobile phone. Airasia practices online booking if the customers tend to save money for lower price when they purchase their ticket online. The complexity of managing the flexible price can be carrying out using Yield Revenue System (YRS). Airasia can price accordingly by referring to the demand of the flight and pick the best price for Airasiaââ¬â¢s yield revenue.Demand driven resource planning and employee scheduling is crucial to the success of all aviation service providers and Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) can help Airasia in the dynamic airline environment. Crew scheduling, fleet management, gate and check-in desk planning and the ground crew planning is a crucial part f or the company to overcome the increasing operating costs. Benefits of e-SCM to AirAsia, suppliers, and consumers The common model of e-commerce supply chain system transaction view is shown as below; company, suppliers and consumers are all linked throughout the whole transaction.So, as Airasia applies e-SCM, besides benefit to Airasia, it also benefits to suppliers and consumers (Hultkrantz et al. , 2001). [pic] Company Airasia can use the computer network to operate its businesses as one of the e-SCM strategies. Airasiaââ¬â¢s can introduce booking air ticket through the online website which is assisted Air Asia transformed towards a more well-established communication media which is available 24/7. As the forecast, there will about 40% total revenue can be gain via the Internet transactions.It is because of Airasia can take the advantage of B2B marketplaces to forecast the demand for their services and, using differentiation pricing strategy to attract more customers and gain more market share by implementing the Yield Revenue System (YMS). In addition, the e-CRM in e-SCM allows Airasia to provide personalized service and one-to-one relationships between merchants and consumers. The ERP system had speed up reporting and increase efficiency of the operational performance which will directly increase the satisfaction of customers towards the services quality provided by Airasia.At the end, Airasia can enhancing relationship with both existing and potential customers and also the suppliers since the communication became a straightforward task. Besides that, Airasia can cost saving through the Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) which improved the internal operational process and achieving low cost business strategy. The company can also saves on the cost to operating and managing the bricks and mortar outlets and able to reach national markets without any efforts on developing a physical distribution network.Then, Airasia can reduce the cost of sales com mission of the middleman, which is the travel agent. So, as a conclusion, if Airasia adopted e-SCM, the company can streamline and restructure the services provided to its customers, developing new markets, and thus creating innovative business opportunities to its customers and suppliers. Suppliers [pic] Due to the supplierââ¬â¢s view of e-commerce supply chain, they concern on the process of buy and fulfillment, ship and logistics and fleet management (Hultkrantz et al. , 2001).The suppliers of Airasia can strengthen their forecasting ability, meet and exceed Airasiaââ¬â¢s demands by offering the right promotion of products and services at the right time, as well as align their production schedules based on their manufacturing capacity and inventory management is improved because of the efficient information exchange, inventory visibility and transactions through the EDI system. So, the supplier can minimize ordering, handling and other costs and avoid from the bull-whip eff ect which may cause them profit loss from the surplus of the stocks or failed to gain more profit because of the shortage of stocks.In addition, the supplier can increase its reputation by meeting the needs and demands from the customers. Consumers The customerââ¬â¢s view point towards the e-SCM can be represented simply, as the figure below (Hultkrantz et al. , 2001). [pic] The e-SCM delivers value across Airasia customersââ¬â¢ supply chain allow customers make quicker and better decisions because the information about inventory visibility and transactions.Airasia customers can compare the pricing and the quality of services provided by Airasia and the others competitors on Internet. Besides that, the e-SCM automating the e-procurement function, simplified purchasing processes which benefits Airasia in lower their transaction costs and overhead. Since the expenses or costs of Airasia reduced, they may able to lower down the pricing but maintaining the same quality of services , which is also considered as benefit to customers. Customers get the same quality of services but with a lower pay.Through Computer Reservation System (CRS), Airasia can launch the ticketless system which the customer of Airasia has the opportunity in doing the booking and purchasing process at anytime, anywhere as customer preferences. Once the customer booking completed, Airasia will provide customer with a program which include customer booking number, payment and travel details. So, the ordering and settlement process had simplified and more convenient to customers during they check in by just mentioning the booking number and must present identification card (IC) or passport of customer for identification purposes.Recommendation and improvement on e-SCM The constantly changing external environments which faced by the organization or company nowadays cause the Airasia have to always ensure that its own internal resources and capabilities are sufficient enough to meet or exceed the needs of the external environment. So, the e-SCM system that Airasia executed need to always keep up-to-date to meet the needs of the external environments. Besides that, in order to survive in the air flight services industry, Airasia also need to always undertake an analysis about their external and internal environment.The e-SCM system plays an important role in this process because the visible of information about the supplier side and customersââ¬â¢ side is useful in the analysis. So, e-SCM system needs to be improved by reducing the degree of error happened and increase the accuracy and reliability of the data flow within the supply chain flow. Since Airasia still receiving a lot complaint from customers on their service, such as the flight delays, or being charged for a lot of things and also customers is not allowed to change flight or get any refund from Airasia if they couldnââ¬â¢t make it.So, Airasia can improve the e-SCM through the Balance Score Card (BSC) whi ch helps in the improvement of the internal and external communications, and monitor the organization performance based on financial perspective, internal business process perspective, learning and growth perspective and also customer perspective. So, by measuring the quality management and customer satisfaction index, Airasia could further improve the e-SCM based on the feedbacks from the customers and the measurement of the performance. On the other hand, Airasia can also further improve the e-SCM in the collaboration area.There are several unexpected events are converging. Therefore, company can increases the number of platforms, packages and more advanced technologies to do the filtering tasks which only permit meaningful collaboration from sharing data and information, to developing customer reward programs and joint forecasts.ReferencesThe Breaking News (2002), AirAsia ; GE Engine Services Sign Major Engine Maintenance Agreement Worth Over US$20 Million, Breaking Travel News. Available from: ââ¬â http://www. breakingtravelnews. com/news/article/btn40003248à [Accessed 3 July 2010] Airasia (2010).
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