Saturday, December 28, 2019
Analytical Essay Super Size Me - 1351 Words
Welcome to At the Movies on ABC 1 and as usual Iââ¬â¢m your host, _______. Tonight weââ¬â¢ll be reviewing the socially critical 2004 documentary, ââ¬Å"Super Size Meâ⬠directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock. The film documents the 30 day period in which Morgan Spurlock ate three meals a day consisting of nothing but McDonalds whilst following these four rules: he can only eat things on sale, he must super size his meal if asked, he must eat everything on the menu at least once and lastly he must restrict himself to the ââ¬Ëaverageââ¬â¢ amount of exercise, typical of the American population. It also documents the drastic effects this lifestyle has on Spurlockââ¬â¢s physical and psychological, wellbeing, and explores the fast food industryââ¬â¢s corporate influence,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦This was achieved through cunning and intelligent choices as to what was filmed and what was cut out. He had also employed a number of other techniques such as camera angles, shot composition, editing and intentional use of music to accompany the visuals. Through these techniques Spurlock has effectively positioned the audience to accept his views on Americaââ¬â¢s aforementioned obesity epidemic. Spurlock has positioned the audience to accept a somewhat version of the truth as not all sides of the story are given a voice. The way in which Spurlock presents himself to the audience has also deliberately been altered to position the audience to coincide with the attitudes heââ¬â¢s presenting throughout the documentary. Spurlock intentionally wore relaxed clothing and spoke directly to the audience in order to position the audience to feel comfortable accepting Spurlockââ¬â¢s attitudes towards Americaââ¬â¢s obesity crisis. (INCLUDE FOOTAGE HERE) To further position and help the audience connect with Spulock, he has introduced them to his fiancà © whoââ¬â¢s a vegan chef which will be in juxtaposition to the unhealthy food served by most fast food restaurants. These inclusions have positioned the audience to feel close and trusting of Spurlock so that his opinions could be accepted. The use of irony during this documentary has been used because if the audience finds something humorous and therefore having a positive reaction, they are more likely to accept what is being represented.Show MoreRelatedcafes monte bianco case analysis4234 Words à |à 17 Pagesappropriate analytical, financial and quantitative analyses to arrive at your conclusions. At times, it may be appropriate to visually present these quantitative analyses to the class. Preparation of the case with your group is highly recommended. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Epic of Beowulf Order Overpowers Chaos - 986 Words
Order Overpowers Chaos In the epic poem Beowulf, the warrior hero Beowulf chooses to confront the tyrannical monster Grendel in his own domain, the hijacked mead hall of Heorot. A battle of brute strength ensues, in which Grendel, unable to escape his opponentââ¬â¢s awesome armgrip, rips away from his own arm and flees, dying soon after from bloodloss. Beowulfââ¬â¢s victory, though relatively early in the story, is a pivotal moment that signifies the defeat of discord and the return of civilization. Due to the stark differences in their appearances, lineages, and tactics of warfare, Grendel and Beowulf in battle symbolize the recurring conflict between chaos and order. When it comes to physical form, Grendelââ¬â¢s wild nature is demonstrated byâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦By choosing to ambush his enemies in their moments of vulnerability, Grendel highlights his own lack of ethical standards, as well as his inner cowardice, both shameful traits for a warrior to possess. His tactics of constant war and ignorance with respect to war atonement also feature his savage essence, making him the embodiment of lawlessness. In reference to his opponent, Beowulf states that ââ¬Å"ââ¬ËHe has no idea of the arts of war, of shield or sword-play, although he does possess a wild strength. No weapons, therefore, for either this night: unarmed he shall face me if face me he dares. And may the Divine Lord in His wisdom grant the glory of victory to whichever side He sees fitââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (681-687). His decision to battle Grendel without arms exemplifies both his sense of honor in warfare as well as his courage; on a different note, it is also indicative of his intelligence, as none of the other warriors were aware that Grendelââ¬â¢s hide was impervious to weapons. Additionally, Beowulf accepts that the fate of the brawl will ultimately be chosen by God, demonstrating his moral values. As a result, Grendel represents disorder through his cowardly war strategies and his unethical values; Beowulf, on the other hand, symbolizes organized society due to his courtesy in war as well as his valor. By virtue of their
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Health Essay Research Paper Health free essay sample
Health Essay, Research Paper Health Often we take our wellness, or the absence of unwellness, disease, or hurt for granted until we become ill. It is so that we recognize the worth of being without complaints. It is so that we appreciate experiencing strong, robust and healthy. Bing healthy and, being physically and mentally sound, is associated with one # 8217 ; s satisfaction with life. Developmental wellness psychologists # 8211 ; specializers who study the interaction of age, behaviour, and wellness and geriatricians # 8211 ; specializers in the scientific discipline of aging # 8212 ; are patching together the inside informations of diet, exercising, personality and behaviour that make it practical to hit for 80, or even 120. Peoples nearing in-between age can anticipate a fillip of several old ages of excess populating thanks to go oning medical advancement against malignant neoplastic disease, bosom disease and shot. Specialists in the field of aging, developmental wellness psychologists, and geriatrician, concentrate their country of survey on finding wellness position over the class of maturity, and finding the nature and beginning of age-related diseases. They are besides concerned with depicting the effects of wellness on behaviour and depicting the effects of behaviour on wellness. The ends of these specializers are: bar of diseases, saving of wellness, and improved quality of wellness for those enduring from disablement and disease. What does it intend to be healthy? Health is a province of complete physical , mental, and societal wellbeing and non simply the absence of disease, unwellness or frailty. It is of import to separate between disease and wellness. Disease is the forecast of a peculiar upset with a specific cause and characteristic symptoms. On the other manus, unwellness is the being of disease and, the person # 8217 ; s perceptual experience of and response to the disease. Whether in illness or in wellness age and the patterned advance through life play a big portion in our wellness and our developmental position. The function of age in respect to wellness is listed below: Most immature grownups are in good wellness and experience few restrictions or disablements. About 71 % of grownups older than 65 life in a community study their wellness as excellent, good, or really good. # 8211 ; Health and mobility diminution with age particularly after age 80. Disease is more common among older grownups. Most of the diseases of subsequently life have their beginning old ages earlier. # 8211 ; Income is related to perceptual experience of wellness. # 8211 ; The older the person, the more hard it is to retrieve from emphasis. # 8211 ; As an single age, acute conditions lessening in frequence while chronic conditions addition in frequence. 4/5 of grownups over 65 have at least one chronic status. # 8211 ; Older grownups may hold multiple upsets and centripetal shortages that may interact. Treatments may besides interact. In contrast to younger age groups, the aged are likely to endure from physical wellness jobs that are multiple, chronic, and treatable but non curable. Acute unwellness may be superimposed on these conditions. Although there are factors that affect our wellness and the ripening procedure that are non in our control, In a World Health article, K. Warner Schaie ( 1989 ) , research manager of the Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California, cites three grounds for optimism about future old age: The control of childhood disease, better instruction, and the fittingness revolution. ( p.2 ) The control of childhood disease frequently eliminates jobs that occur subsequently in life as a consequence of these diseases. Alternatively of traveling off, the child assaults suffered by the organic structure from disease, maltreatment and disregard can hold # 8220 ; sleeper # 8221 ; effects. For illustration Chicken syphilis in a kid can take much later in life to the rubing diseases known as herpes zosters. Vaccines and other medical specialty have eliminated many of the childhood disea Ses. Schaie predicts that people who will go old 30 or 40 old ages from now will non hold childhood diseases. Most people who are now old have had them all. Better instruction is besides a ground for drawn-out and fitter lives. Where a grade school instruction was typical for the older coevals, more than half of all Americans now 30 or 40 old ages old have completed at least high school, and surveies show that people with more instruction live longer. They get better occupations, suffer less economical emphasis, and be given to be more engaged with life and more receptive to new thoughts. Finally, the fittingness revolution has changed our wonts with regard to diet and exercising and self-care. An article in Generations, Joyce Carrol Oates ( 1993 ) provinces, # 8221 ; per capita ingestion of baccy has dropped 26 per centum over the past 15 old ages, and the bead is speed uping, assuring a lessening in lung malignant neoplastic disease. # 8221 ; Life-style alterations and improved intervention of high blood pressure have already produced a dramatic national lessening in shots. ( p.13 ) In add-on being cognizant of and accepting ripening is an of import procedure in aging. It is of import to acknowledge that life non merely has a beginning and a center but besides an terminal. It is of import to acknowledge the unrecorded rhythm and all that goes with it. The big life rhythm is divided into three chief parts: Young grownups, middle-aged, and older grownups. There are features of each division of maturity. First, we will look at immature grownups. They are in by and large good wellness. Respiratory nutriments are their primary wellness jobs ( cold, concern, and fatigue ) . Allergies are their most common chronic unwellness. Fatal diseases are rare. The prima causes of deceases are for males, accidents and for females malignant neoplastic disease. Aids is besides a menace for this age group. The following country of concern is the middle-aged grownups. There is a drastic alteration in wellness position from immature grownup to middle maturity. Daily unwellnesss Begin to happen such as: respiratory complaints, and musculoskeletal complaints. Chronic conditions begin emerging that bounds day-to-day activities such as arthritis, high blood pressure, chronic sinusitis, bosom conditions, and hearing damages. Fatal diseases besides begin to look for illustration: bosom disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arterial sclerosis, emphysema, and malignant neoplastic disease. The prima causes of decease among the middle-age are bosom disease and malignant neoplastic disease. Again there is a drastic alteration in wellness position from middle-age to older grownups. Musculoskeletal jobs are more common and more terrible. Acute jobs become more terrible. Chronic conditions are dominant and more terrible. Death rates rise quickly among the aged. The taking cause of decease is bosom disease, shot, and malignant neoplastic disease. In drumhead, people # 8217 ; s rating of their physical wellness diminution with age. Daily symptoms alteration with age. Acute conditions lessening with age. Chronic conditions addition with age. Nonfatal and life threatening diseases increase steadily with age. Of equal concern is the consequence of gender and race on wellness and ripening. However, unequal attending has been given to the scope of fluctuations in societal, cultural, and wellness features within and between minorities and adult females. The clip has come for more deliberate, purposeful, and thoughtful accounts of the effects of race and gender on wellness. Understanding grownup development requires an apprehension of the relationship between wellness, disease, disablement and aging. Understanding and non being afraid of the aging procedure may decelerate the procedure. Mention Oates, Joyce Carrol. ( 1993, Spring/Summer ) . The ageless ego. Coevalss, ( Vol. 17 Issue 2, p13 ) . Schaie, Warner K. ( 1989, Nov ) . Looking in front. World Health, pp.2-4. Health, Disease, and Disability
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Economic Performance Analysis - Free Samples -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about the Economic Performance Analysis. Answer: Singapore is considered as one of the high-income economy. Average income in Singapore is at per or even greater than that in most developed nation. The economic environment in Singapore is suitable for carrying business operation. There is always a competitive environment in the nation and this shows the countrys reliance on free market strategy. Singapore is an open economy with highly depended on export earnings. Since independence, the country developed at a fast pace and made successful transformation from a comparatively low-income nation to a high-income one. The process of industrialization in Singapore accelerated in 1960s and brought rapid growth for the economy. In this phase, manufacturing sector plays an important role in the growth process. Singapore had achieved the goal of full employment in 1970s and joined the growth path of south East Asian tigers (Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea). Secondary and tertiary se4ctor in Singapore are considered as two main pillars of the economy. In general, the country encourages various businesses with particular focus on highly value added services. Present paper presents an overall economic analysis of Singapore for past few years. Major economic indicators such as output, labor market status and price level are given particular focus. In addition to trend analysis for these indicators, evaluation is made on major initiatives taken by the government to improve economic performance. Output performance analysis Gross Domestic Product of a nation captures monetary values of goods and services produced within the nation in the accounting year. GDP can be computed in either current market value or taking market values of a particular base year. GDP computed using base year prices is called GDP at constant price or real GDP. Real GDP is a measure of GDP that is free from inflationary or deflationary consequences in an economy. Thus, real GDP is a more accurate measure of nation output. Growth rate of GDP is the percentage change in GDP. Growth in real GDP gives a measure of real economic growth of the nation. On dividing GDP by total population, per capita real GDP is obtained (Laubach Williams, 2016). This is a measure of nations average income. In order to analyze output performance, growth trend in real GDP and per capita real GDP is considered. Year Real GDP Growth Rate Real GDP Per Capita (US dollar) 2005 7.5 40020.26 2006 8.9 42223.89 2007 9.1 44191.24 2008 1.8 42650.10 2009 -0.6 41133.30 2010 15.2 46569.68 2011 6.2 48439.94 2012 3.9 49000.71 2013 5 50467.84 2014 3.6 51440.82 Table 1: Real GDP growth rate and per capital real GDP in Singapore (Source: Figure 1: Real GDP growth trend in Singapore (Source: Figure 2: Per capita real GDP in Singapore (Source: From the above table it is clearly seen that Singapore has maintained a stable growth rate in its real GDP. The average annual growth rate from 2004-2015 is 6-7%. Exception has been observed only in 2009 when growth rate fell down to 0.6% (Balassa, 2014). The likely cause behind the fall in growth rate is external shock resulted from financial crisis globally. This shows responsiveness of the economy to shocks in external economic environment. However, Singapore did not take much time to make a recovery from crisis. With rapid growth in service and manufacturing sector and increasing openness of the country quick growth recovery is made possible. An outstanding growth performance is observed in 2011 with a notable growth rate of 15.2%. After that, growth trend continues with an average rate of 4-5%. With a steady growth rate and almost stable population, per capita income should be increased. There is no exception of this trend in Singapore as well with a rising trend in per capita i ncome. Per capita income increases from $40020.26 in 2005 to $51440.82 in 2015 (Chew, 2013). In order to increase national output government in Singapore uses the tool of expansionary fiscal policy. Expansionary fiscal policy can be implemented with raising direct government expenditure and reducing tax rates. Singapore government uses both these strategies. In times of global recession, government came forward to revive growth rate. In this time, government launched a resilience program aiming at increasing investment in infrastructure projects (Ali et al., 2014). Apart from focusing on improving infrastructure, increased demand for goods and services in the economy can also raise nation output. The direct channel of increasing demand is to increase the disposable income available in peoples hand. For this, government reduces both income and corporate tax rate. Government also increases transfer payment to boost aggregate demand in the economy. Increase in consumption, government expenditure or invest only partially offsets recession effects resulted from smaller multiplier effect because of low marginal propensity to consume. In Singapore, production driven growth has been given priority. To improve production capacity, fiscal policy is used to affect the supply side of the economy. In this regard, government increases its investment in the fields of training and education to increase human capital investment in the economy. Centres of technical education, polytechnic institutions, and training centres have rapidly increased in Singapore. In order to increase research and development scope in the economy government has recently set up Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) and Biomedical Research Council (BMRC) (, 2017). Labour market analysis In order to analyze status of labour market yearly unemployment trend is considered. Year Unemployment Rate 2005 3.1 2006 3.1 2007 2.1 2008 2.2 2009 3 2010 2.1 2011 2 2012 1.9 2013 1.9 2014 1.95 Table 2: Yearly unemployment data in Singapore (Source: Figure 3: yearly unemployment trend in Singapore (Source: In Singapore, performance of labour market is quite satisfactory. Unemployment rate is steadily declined in past ten years. In 2005, the unemployment rate was 3.1%. In connection of government policy, ensure a full employment condition in the economy unemployment rate reached to a 1.95%. In 2009 only, unemployment rate increased from that it is in 2008. This is the consequence of global crisis occurred in 2008 (Battaglini Coate, 2016). This caused cyclical unemployment in Singapore. With a recovery in the growth rate, labour market condition also improved and unemployment rate backed to its declining trend. Unemployment is a condition where some labour in labour force fail finds suitable jobs at existing wage in the economy. There are different reason behind unemployment depending on the structure and composition of the economy. There are several types of unemployment that an economy experiences. Unemployment due to the change in production structure or technology of production in an industry is termed as structural unemployment. People depending on seasonal occupation suffer from seasonal unemployment. During recession, there is a depressed demand in overall economy. This effects performance of labour market and aggravates unemployment problem. This type of unemployment resulted from cyclical fluctuation is called cyclical unemployment (Abdullah Chan, 2016). Other forms of unemployment are disguised unemployment, frictional unemployment, and technical unemployment. Despite having low unemployment rate, Singapore experiences different types of unemployment. In 2008, worldwide recession affected Singapore economy. Overall demand in the economy decreased in this time. As a result, of contraction of the economy demand for labour also decreased and resulted in cyclical unemployment. In order to achieve fast growth rate Singapore continuously makes structural changes in different industries. For this reason, the economy often suffers from structural unemployment. For example, countrys recent move towards Research and Development and biomedical industry low skilled workers are unable to sustain in the industry and become unemployed (Tan, 2016). Other type of unemployment seen in Singapore is frictional unemployment. With a changing composition of the economy, people in Singapore consider switching their jobs. This gives rise to the problems of frictional unemployment. In view of unemployment resulted from lack of skill government in Singapore focuses on training and education program. Heavy investment is made in these fields. The initiatives of government show success in making 23% of labour force degree holder in 2010. This will help the citizens to remain competitive. In order to achieve the goal of full employment government launches different program like PMET program and P-max program (Tremewan, 2016). Apart from solving labour market problem this will also increase national productivity. Employers are given incentives to hire more workers in the economy. Price level analysis Gradual rise in general price level is termed as inflation. Price in the economy pushes up either by the forces of demand or by increase in cost of production. Demand-pull inflation in the economy exists when price increases because of a sudden hike in demand. When production cost increases then supplier increases price of their products (Gal, 2015). The supply side inflation is termed as cost-push inflation. A moderate to low inflation is preferable for the growth of the economy. Galloping inflation is inflation accounts double digit. When galloping inflation persists in the economy without any counteracting measure then inflation rate turns to be very high and is known as hyperinflation. Trend in price level is analyzed by observing yearly inflation trend in Singapore. Year Inflation Rate 2005 0.4 2006 1 2007 2.1 2008 6.5 2009 0.6 2010 2.8 2011 5.2 2012 4.6 2013 2.4 2014 1.01 Table 3: Yearly inflation rate in Singapore (Source: Figure 4: Inflation trend in Singapore (Source: From the above table it is seen that price level in Singapore remained more or less stable. In 2005, inflation rate was 0.4%. After 10 years, inflation rate increased only slightly with rate being only 1.01% (Tan, 2016). There is a moderate to low level of inflation in the economy. In 2008, inflation rate increased at a very rapid rate. Recorded inflation rate in 2008 was 6.5% as compared to 2.1 % in the previous year. The rise in price trend is due to increase in good and service tax rate introduced by Singapore government. Other than this year, inflation rate remains manageable. In Singapore, external factors are responsible for existence of demand-pull inflation in the economy. In the GDP composition of Singapore export constitute a major part. Rise of national income of its trading partner increase demand for its export and hence increase aggregate demand in the economy (Wirtz Chung, 2015). An increase in other components of aggregate demand such as investment and consumption expenditure also contributes to a rise in aggregate demand. Cost of production in Singapore raises mainly because of a rise in the price of imported raw material. Because of lack of resource many industries in Singapore depends on imported resources and hence a rise in price of imported good raises overall prices in the economy (Siddiqui, 2016). Monetary authority in Singapore relies on exchange rate policy to achieve stability in price. Singapore is a nation having trade relation with multiple nations. This helps the nation to maintain exchange rate of domestic currency against weighted average of currencies of its trading partners within a stable policy brand. The exchange rate policy in Singapore is used as a proxy measure of monetary policy to control inflation. In the presence of a strong external economies prices goes up without intervention of central bank (Chow, Lim McNelis, 2014). Thus, central bank intervenes by the policy of appreciation of Singapore dollar. The assignment analyses economic performance of Singapore from 2005 to 2014. In all, performance of different economic indicators is good. Economy grows steadily having an overall moderate rate of growth. Only disturbing year in the growth phase is 2008. Economic disturbance in this year is due to external shocks resulted from worldwide recession in that year. Labour market performance is well in the economy. The country is successful in maintaining a considerably low unemployment rate and almost achieves full employment target. Price level stability is another important policy goal of Singapore government. Stability in the price level is a feature of Singapore economy. However, unemployment and inflation rate are also affected by global crisis in 2008. This shows external factor plays an important role in economic performance of Singapore. In order to improve performance of output, employment and price level government designs several policies. Direct tools of fiscal and monetary policy are not very effective in Singapore. Fiscal policy tool like increase in consumption, government or investment expenditure cannot be fully effective because of smaller multiplier effect. Monetary policy is implemented through tool of exchange rate appreciation. Despite being a small economy, satisfactory performance in different economic indicators give the economy an important place in developed counties list. References Abdullah, M. A., Chan, R. K. (2016). Foreign Labor In The Midst Of The Asian Economic Crisis: Early Experiences From Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan And Singapore.Jurnal Kinabalu (eJK),4. Ali, G., Zaman, K., Ziaei, S. M., Anuar, M. A. (2014). Stock Return Response to Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interaction in Singapore.Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences,5(27 P3), 1712. Balassa, B. (2014). Development Strategies'.International Economics and Development: Essays in Honor of Ral Prebisch, 159. Battaglini, M., Coate, S. (2016). A political economy theory of fiscal policy and unemployment.Journal of the European Economic Association,14(2), 303-337. Chew, M. P. G. (2013).Measuring economic sustainability of nations: Singapore as case study(Doctoral dissertation). Chow, H. K., Lim, G. C., McNelis, P. D. (2014). 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