Tuesday, May 26, 2020
The Social Justice Issues Essay Topics Game
The Social Justice Issues Essay Topics Game It's possible to google certain topics and save lots of time! The issues impact a persons life 24 hours each day. Social justice issues can happen in connection with practically any facet of society where inequality can arise because of unjust prejudices or policies. The notion that there's no problem if there are a couple of errors in something and there's no need to strive for excellence. Complacency Our main problem is complacency. Social work is a kind of discipline that is done by means of a range of communities to help bring a change within the surroundings. The Hidden Truth on Social Justice Issues Essay Topics As you consider your classroom, attempt to discover tiny ways to include things like the ideas outlined here within the practices you know will get the job done best for you and your students. Students are nowadays wanting to take charge of their very own lives, and make sure they're safe inside their own schools, a location where they're supposed to be protected and truly feel secure in their surroundings. For example, if you're having students learn to compose letters, be sure they actually get mailed to an actual individual. Students may read info about the site they'll be visiting and the bodily challenges of the folks they'll be assisting. When exploring disability, they can examine the challenges and adaptations that come along with being disabled. Additionally, they can view the movie Maria Full of Grace. Career Opportunities Students of criminal justice may realize that they need to learn not only general laws and enforcement strategies, but they might also have to choose something to specialize in, from numerous disciplines. The more knowledge you possess the better it's for you. Specialized knowledge is crucial to leadership together with general studies. Leadership also has to have an open mind and be capable of seeing through different perspectives on a huge assortment of i ssues. Lots of people in other nations still aren't educated on ways to safeguard themselves and receive treatment. Make what it is that you are teaching relevant to what's going on in the world. Silencing other individuals are going to be a way for them to settle down their inner world and to be sure that they aren't offended'. Silencing they will be a way for them to settle down their inner world and to make sure that they are not'offended'. Our absurd world is a location where complete mental wellness is a utopia. The whole world, in everybody's mind, is just a mass, lost in the space. For instance, if one lives in the usa or England, for example, they could chat about how bad it is, but if they were to go and live somewhere else for a brief while, they could have a huge shock. Today, the Society works for justice in several of its ministries across the nation. Distributive justice utilizes the idea of geometric proportion. Crimes are likewise not confined to a particular area. Youth violence is getting an increasing problem because of the financial breakdown in the inner cities and the access to illegal guns. Rape and battery of women isn't an old issue, but it's a cultural matter.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Friday, May 15, 2020
Medicine in Ancient Rome - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1222 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/07/02 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Ancient Rome Essay Did you like this example? During the rise of the Roman Empire, Greek influence could be found in every daily aspect, so there is no surprise in seeing that their medicinal methodology carries that same influence. The first doctors of Ancient Rome had previously been war prisoners from Greece. Most of them had served the Roman Army, while the rest were the personal aids belonging to wealthy households (Nogales 69). Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Medicine in Ancient Rome" essay for you Create order Like the Greeks, Roman doctors received no official medical training, or qualifications, and there was no orthodox medical approach. As their civilization evolved, they were able to make their own impact through their documented literatures. They expanded their techniques and created their own core beliefs based off of science and religion. During this time, science was a very loosely based idea of human anatomy and how the human body interacted with different pharmaceutical drugs. At first, being a doctor was not a profession of high praise. Some were reputable, but others were just con men trying to earn money from the naive who believed in mythical remedies. There was a significant resistance when there was a drop in Roman culture and they felt threatened by all of the Greek influence. But, In order to practice in the Roman Empire, doctors only needed permission from the local magistrate. Julius Caesar welcomed Greek doctors, made them citizens and exempted them from tax, (Retief and Cillers 8). After gaining more freedom, doctors were able to branch out even into specialties such as eye infections, ear infections, womens conditions, and etc. In the first documented series of medical books, De Re Medica, by Cornelius Celsus, the author explores the pros and cons of both animal and human experimentation. He compares humans to animals by showing our similarities in anatomy to justify the accuracy of animal experimentation. The dissection of human corpses was against Roman law at the time, but he pointed out how only human experimentation will give exact results. In his second and third books, Celsus analyzes general pathology, specific diseases and possible methods to cure them. Although very rudimentary, his research utilized more logic its predecessors who mistakenly believed they could fix ailments with magic. Another popular Roman practice was Herbology. Celsus touched basis on this concept, but other Roman doctors provided more extensive research and ideas. Fennel was a standard treatment for nervous disorders because they believed that it calmed the nerves (Household Medicine In Ancient Rome). Garlic was very popular because it was not only abundant, but it was also believed to be good for your heart. Furthermore, many believed in garlics ability to provide strength, so doctors would recommend giving it to labor workers in order to increase their productivity. Another popular herb was Sage. Although it had little medicinal value, this herb held much religious value. Its use was common among those who believed that the gods had the powers to heal them. Rome also had religious influence from the God of Medicine, Aesculapius, who is always portrayed holding a physicians staff and along with a snake (Nogales 75). The symbolism of the snake had originated from the Greeks. According to their mythology, the snake had appeared on Tiber Island, so the Romans built a shrine for it on their beaches. Eventually they expanded this into thermal baths and spas where doctors could help assist patients. By the 3rd century BCE, the Romans had built a full, religious healing system under the God of Medicine, called the Cult of Aesculapius. Later on when the plague spread, they also built a temple honoring the Greek god, Apollo. Known for guiding the sun with his chariot, many believed that the warmth of the sun was promotive of good health. There were separate worlds, that of science and medicine, and that of the everyday public, that had to be bridged in a way that honored both traditions, yet kept their integrity. The development of science and medicine pioneered by Galen, a philosopher whose medical knowledge and theory guided practitioners for almost two millennia, hit levels of exploration and understanding in ancient Rome that warranted its basis as common medical theory, (Clark 2). One of Galens core beliefs was the four humors: yellow bile, black bile, blood, and phlegm. He believed that every person contained these four humors and that disease was caused by an imbalance of them. These deficits were thought to be caused by vapors inhaled or absorbed by the body. Each humor had a corresponding emotional response as well. Blood was associated with levels of socialness, as well as enthusiasm and physical activeness; Yellow Bile was associated with levels of aggression; Black Bile was associated with levels of depre ssion; And Phlegm was thought to be associated with levels of apathy. Most Roman surgeons got their practical experience on the battlefield. A typical tool kit would contain bone levers, forceps, probes, catheters, scalpels, and cupping vessels for bloodletting (Surgical Instruments from Ancient Rome). They used to sterilize their equipment in boiling water before using it. In Ancient Rome, it was common knowledge that arteries and veins carry blood. All surgeons knew how to use tourniquets, arterial clamps, and ligatures to stem blood flow. They also used amputation to prevent deadly gangrene. Anesthesia wasnt available at this time so instead they would use opium and scopolamine to relieve pain. Surgical procedures were very elementary and brutal to go through which was why many who went through major operations wouldnt survive. There were a few purpose-built hospitals also where people could rest and have a better chance of recovery. They were supported by assistants (capsarii, named after the boxes of medical supplies they had to carry) whilst so me soldiers (immunes, called thus because they did not carry weapons) were given first aid training, (Retief and Cillers 10). In the hospital setting, doctors could monitor peoples condition instead of depending on supernatural forces to perform miracles. In the common households of Rome, the Romans also had midwives, whom they treated with great respect. They helped women through nursing, menopause, and difficulties related to menstruation. Though physicians had themselves become more interested in these things, primary responsibility for dealing with them rested in the hands of midwives. Not only did they handle the birthing process, but they also concerned themselves with the mothers health before and after the birth of the child. A popular tool was the birthing stool, which had four legs, an arm, and back supports with a crescent-shaped opening to help deliver the baby (Surgical Instruments from Ancient Rome). They would also use a lead or bronze tube into the vagina afterwards to prevent further contractions or adhesion. In some cases Cesarean sections, a surgical procedure in which an infant is surgically removed from the uterus, would be performed. The mortality rate for the mothers was quite high for these procedures, but the baby still had a fighting chance at survival. Sometimes the midwives would even have to perform abortions. The Romans learned about medicine from the Greeks, and they made their own contribution to the discipline by focusing on public health and disease prevention. However, they did not make significant progress in understanding how the human body works, and they were not yet aware of the association of germs with disease. After the fall of the Roman Empire, medical knowledge in Europe did not make significant progress again until the Renaissance period.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Origins and Solutions to Jealousy - 1097 Words
What is jealousy? Is it part of any normal relationship, or is it always destructive? The origins of jealousy are not clear. Some believe that jealousy was our solution to mate retention due to our quot;concealed fertilizationquot; process (Basset 72). While others believe that it is how we compare what we have to what other have and is triggered by quot;perceived threats to relationshipsquot; and is designed to quot;trigger initial emotional reactionsquot; (Basset 73). What is clear is that jealousy has been a part of the human race for as long as our species has developed social structures. Smith indicates that t here are several types of jealousy ranging from mild to severe when verbal and physical threats come in. When jealousyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Men tend to act out their jealousy violently more often than women (Basset 72). Many times jealousy is the natural possessiveness that partners in a relationship have for each other and the exhibition of it is a sign of their desire to maintain the relationship. This is often the case in quot;openquot; relationships where partners are not exclusive to one another. Trust is both the best prevention and cure for jealousy in a relationship. In order to repair a relationship however, partners should recognize that the solution to solving jealousy is mainly good communication skills in conjunction with growth of mutual respect. Where there is no trust in a relationship, there will be problems whether it is infidelity (imagined or otherwise), jealousy, or withdrawal from the partner. Owens emphasizes that quot;communication has to be open on both sidesquot; (qtd. in Jet 2002) if a solution is going to work. Both sides of the partnership have to face their own failings and behavior and be willing to do what is necessary and work together to make it right. 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Business strategy- OSIM international Ltd - 3823 Words
Executive Summary This paper provides a strategic management study in case of OSIM international ltd. It seeks to study the company in detail with regards to its operations in Singapore and China. The outline of this case study includes the strategic analysis, objectives, implementation and evaluation and management of the business strategies. A critical analysis of the issues hindering the companys implementation of the strategies is discussed. Further, it includes the observation and identification of past and current trends of the company and on the other hand predictions and assumptions of future prospects are analysed. Lastly, in accordance to the case study analysis, a few recommendations are provided. Table of Contentsâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(ââ¬Ëââ¬ËDEMIââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢) and Red Time Trading Ltd (ââ¬Ëââ¬ËRTââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢). The three suppliers provide 71% (approx.) of the materials for the equipment manufacturing. In failure to do so, the company will suffer unexpected losses and disruption (OCBC, 2000). There are high levels of substitutes for these products. The cost of transferring to other major health and lifestyle firm is relatively low. There are number of players in the global market which makes the substitution level high. With the notable player like OTO and Ogawa, where their products prices are much lower than OSIMs products might attract the lower-income household. The healthcare products have a continuous change and a need for adaption. The customers are aware of the OSIM-like products offered by other firms. Therefore the bargaining power of customers is relatively high. This industry has a stiff and aggressive competition, as there are competitors such as OTO, Ogawa and Panasonic. OSIMââ¬â¢s competitive position is an attractive industry with a high potential for above-average returns. In addition, OSIMs turbulence model in this industry is complexity because they produce many types of products, which are launched in many markets in Asian countries. Customers are range from young working adults to elderly. Hence the degree of interconnectedness is moderately complex environment with different culture in many countries (OSIM, 2012). In summary, strengths of OSIM are large network of outlets featuring diverse range ofShow MoreRelatedOsim2084 Words à |à 9 Pages 5. Recommendations Page 7 6. Conclusions Page 7 7. Referencing Page 8 Introduction OSIM the well establish Asia healthy life style brand, originated from Singapore. OSIM was founded by Dr Ron Sim Chye Hock in November 1980. Initially derive from R Sim Trading which deal mainly with household appliance. Dr Ron Sim Chye Hock later founded OSIM and eventually changes his focus to creating healthy life style products since he felt a great market potential in homeRead MoreCourts Strategy2773 Words à |à 12 Pages1. Business Overview Courts PLC began expanding in the 1960s and had outlets in more than 9 countries. Courts was first established in Singapore in 1974 and in Malaysia 13 years later. In the early 2000s we saw the bankruptcy of Courts PLC where subsidiaries were sold to investors to repay the debts. Courts Asia Limited (Courts) was later independently formed and it is now a leading retailer in Southeast Asia for Furniture, Electrical Appliances and IT Products. Courts Asia is predominantly
Catholism 19th century Essay Example For Students
Catholism 19th century Essay The Sixers won their seventh straight game, 95-94 on Saturday as a late Wizards rally fizzled. Allen Iverson led Philly with 35 points, while Jerry Stackhouse poured in 38 for the Wizards. The Jazz failed in their attempt to reach seventh heaven, losing 107-85 to the Spurs. Kidd went crazy in the CrunchVote for the 2003 All-Star startersWhere do you watch your team?Play: Triple-Double | Virtual GMHoliday shopping: Great gift ideasThats the TicketListen to every game with Audio League Pass and get access to exclusive video features and broadband highlights with NBA Inside Ticket. Subscribe now! Dunks of the Week: Play HOT PRODUCT AT THE NBA STORE Reebok Replica Jerseys..Any Name and NumberSega NBA2K3 Video GameNBA Hardwood Classics ShopNBA Store Holiday Gift Shop NIGHTLY LEADERS FEATURES Reader results on the NBAs best player are in. We show you the rules. And we wish you a happy holiday in the latest NBA.coms Click and Roll. Fifty ThingsNBA.com lists 50 Things to be Thankful For this holiday season. Rookie Look: Mike DunleavyHe likes the Sopranos and he has less free time than youd think. Find out more about Warriors rookie Mike Dunleavy, Jr. Vote for the 2003 All-StarsNBA.com launched online balloting in English, Chinese and Spanish. Instructions: Japanese | RussianFrench | Italian | Serbo-CroatChinese (Traditional) | PortugueseGerman SPECIAL SECTIONS Hall of Fame video tributesBios of all-time great playersGreat NBA momentsClassic quotesAll-time statistical leadersWho are the best players? Best coaches? Which team has the best chance of dethroning the L.A. Lakers? Check out the exclusive results of the 2002-03 NBA.com GM Survey.NBA TV: LOVE IT LIVE! From Stackhouses 38-point night to Jamisons 37 and Cassells 10 assists, check out Saturdays action:56k | 300kDunk of the Night: C. Butler Play Saturdays Top Fantasy Player: Play adidas Play of the Day: M. Jackson 56k | 300kLEGO Creative Play of the Week: 56k | 300kCourtside Countdown: Vote for the top plays Instant Replay: Review for yourself Complete NBA highlights AROUND THE WEB NBA DAILY PHOTO E-mail photo | Buy photos Just Talkin About the NBA: Lakers forward Robert Horry chats with Shaft composer Isaac Hayes after the Tennessee native sang the national anthem at Fridays game in Memphis. Joe Murphy/NBAE/Getty ImagesNBA photo galleries | Most popular photosBuy NBA action photos now! Use Rbks All-Access Pass to check out the Williams family album and see Jerome as a kid. ROOKIE REPORT Golden States Mike Dunleavy has been around the NBA his whole life. See what he had to say about his recent experiences as a rookie. Shaqs back and his presence has been felt on the floor and in SEGA Sports NBA 2K3. We simulated last Wednesdays Lakers-Magic game and thanks to the Big Fella, the Lakers emerged triumphant. SEGA Sports: NBA players take the ChallengeTEAM SPOTLIGHT Warriors.com: Jiri Welsh QABulls.com: Blooming RoseSuperSonics.com: Dance Team galleryCavs.com: Joe Taits Greatest CallsBlazers.com: Get Well TourSixers.com: Generation NeXtWashingtonWizards.com: Stacks FundRockets.com: Yao One Shining MomentLogin | Register Copyright 2002 NBA Media Ventures, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of NBA.com may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form. By accessing any information beyond this page, you agree to abide by the NBA.com Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Employment opportunities NBA | NBDL | WNBA GlobalCanadaChinaEspaolJapanUK FANTASY GAMES | STORE | TICKETS | HELP
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Desciptive Writing free essay sample
Some say being as a child is the happiest thing in life. Once you grow up, you cant never taste the enjoyment of being a child anymore. But theres always a place where turns adults into children once again Disneyland. It makes kids dreams come true while it lets adults relive their childhood one more time. Entering the park, the notes of that vivace music go into my ears, bringing me unprecedented comfort. The sound of the train passing by mixes with the well-known Disney movie soundtracks, letting me enter a world that doesnt exist in a concrete jungle. The sun shines on the red brick road, buildings from the 1920s, keeping me to be intoxicated with the atmosphere of an American small town back to the 1920s. Trees on the sidewalk are swinging softly, slight wind rustles the leaves, making them fall on the brick road. The faint breeze and the warm sunshine integrate with the atmosphere of vintage American small town, setting my mind free from the busy life. We will write a custom essay sample on Desciptive Writing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Merchandises are well placed in the display window, sparkling under the dim deco light. A bunch of kids gather around a clown, watching his funny performance, spreading their widest smiles on their little faces. Laughing echo in the background, in my mind. Passing through the Main Street and the Sleeping Princesses castle, now I am standing on the land of fantasy. Little girls dressing up like princesses, riding on the merry-go-around with little boys and big grins on their faces, reminds me of those perfect prince and princesses couples living happily ever after. Its what every little girl dreams of. The smell of sweet cotton candy and caramel popcorn wafting across the Fantasyland, smell like happiness and dreams. Leaving the Fantasyland and entering the Tomorrowland, it gives me a whole different feeling. Spaceships flying on the sky, the silvery buildings and mysterious music , making me feel like Im floating in the milky way. Buzz Lightyear and Zac were staring at each other, those nosy little three men finally become silence. Everyone in the Tomorrowland were holding their breath, expecting what is happening next, even a pin drop can be heard. Everyone was trying not to blink their eyes in case of missing any moments. All of a sudden, Zac is defeated by the space ranger and everyone relieved. Clapping and cheering become louder and louder. The space remains peace once again. Next to the Tomorrowland is the Adventureland. Once you step into the Adventureland, youre are now in the deep of an Africa jungle. Luxuriant forests, strange tweet from the sky, gloomy shadows of the trees, unexplainable sound made by the wild beasts that cant be seen, standing alone in the ghastly woods. Not having a sight of anything, leaves are rustled by the ice-cold wind, giving you shivers to every inch of your skins. Its getting darker and darker, the sun is going out of me sight. Making me wonder am I going to be trapped in this forest forever. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the lights,1 an old wise mans words from a magical movie echoes in my head, giving me the courage to walk on and find the way out. Walking out of the gruesome forest, a golden bright sun ray hits my face. The gold is setting behind the castle, making it sparking, like a dream you always to be living in. All these scenes blurred and I close my eyes, enjoy the moment of dreams.
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